Beschreibung The Anti-Terror Checklist: Preparing for the Unthinkable. Will you know what to do? Now, that personal anxiety is more relevant than ever, a security expert offers a life-saving guidebook for individuals and families on how to prepare for and protect themselves in the event of an act of terrorism. With the horrific events of September 11th, 2001 still all-too fresh on the American consciousness, what do we do if something else happens? In The Anti-Terror Checklist security expert and former New York City police officer Bill Stanton explains it all for you. In rational, matter-of-fact language, he lays out the specifics: how different types of terrorist acts happen and what their effects are, and, most importantly, how we can be ready and fully-prepared in the face of such situations. This reassuring, easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidebook includes:Information on attacks of all sorts -- bombings, bio-terrorism, chemical terrorism, nuclear radiation, and more, and how to deal with the disruption of phone lines, electrical systems, waterways, roads, and airportsGetting your family to safety: identifying threats; predetermined communication and coordination; modes of transportation for exiting the danger zone; target destinations; medical identification; nutritional needs; money: where to put it, how much to take with you; identifying emergency information and moreA personal safety and preparedness checklist to cover all aspects of a disaster situationA security blanket for these uncertain times, The Anti-Terror Checklist should be in every American home to ensure the safety and security of ourselves, our families, and our country.
The Anti-Terror Checklist: Preparing for the Unthinkable ~ Comment: A copy that has been read, but remains in clean condition. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. The spine may show signs of wear. Pages can include limited notes and highlighting, and the copy can include previous owner inscriptions.
The Anti Terror Checklist Preparing For The Unthinkable PDF ~ Jul 08, 2020 Contributor By : David Baldacci Media Publishing PDF ID 75548ee4 the anti terror checklist preparing for the unthinkable pdf Favorite eBook Reading The .
The Anti-Terror Checklist: Preparing for the Unthinkable ~ by Bill Stanton. Mass Market Paperback. details ().ISBN: 978-0-06-009529-1. ISBN-10: 0-06-009529-6. Harper · 2001 · 2001
The Anti Terror Checklist Preparing For The Unthinkable PDF ~ Jun 27, 2020 Contributor By : Frédéric Dard Public Library PDF ID 75548ee4 the anti terror checklist preparing for the unthinkable pdf Favorite eBook Reading The .
: Customer reviews: The Anti-Terror Checklist ~ I saw the author on tv and wrote down his six elements for preparing for an emergency. I should have stopped there. There is nothing else of value in his book, and his six elements are rudimentary. Since he gave them on tv, I'll give them here so you can save your money: 1. Establish a network 2. Designate a team leader 3. Prepare a detailed contact list 4. Establish a command post 5. Choose a .
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