Beschreibung Successful Telephone Selling in the '90s. With the cost of personal sales visit to an industrial customer at well over $200, almost all salespeople now make at least some use of the telephone to save time and money. The main purpose of Successful Telephone Selling in the '90s, however, is not to talk about reducing expenses but to show how to increase your sales production dramatically by using the telephone. A gold mine of practical guidance and information, this book divulges the methods that work for the top telephone salespeople in the country -- methods that can guarantee your own success.
Successful telephone selling in the '90s : Shafiroff ~ Successful telephone selling in the '90s Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item . EMBED. EMBED (for wordpress hosted blogs and archive item <description> tags) Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! No_Favorite. share. flag. Flag this item for. Graphic Violence ; Graphic Sexual Content ; texts. Successful telephone selling in the '90s by Shafiroff .
Successful Telephone Selling in the '90s by Martin D ~ The main purpose of Successful Telephone Selling in the '90s, however, is not to talk about reducing expenses but to show how to increase your sales production dramatically by using the telephone. A go With the cost of personal sales visit to an industrial customer at well over $200, almost all salespeople now make at least some use of the telephone to save time and money.
Successful Telephone Selling in the '90s: Shafiroff ~ The main purpose of Successful Telephone Selling in the '90s, however, is not to talk about reducing expenses but to show how to increase your sales production dramatically by using the telephone. A gold mine of practical guidance and information, this book divulges the methods that work for the top telephone salespeople in the country -- methods that can guarantee your own success.
Successful telephone selling in the 90's (1991 edition ~ Successful telephone selling in the '90s by Martin D. Shafiroff, 1991, Harper & Row edition, in English . Download for print-disabled Add another edition? Successful telephone selling in the '90s. First published in 1990 Subjects Telephone selling. Edit. Successful telephone selling in the 90's This edition published in 1991 by Harper & Row in NewYork, NY, . London. Edition Notes Series .
Buy Successful Telephone Selling in the '90s Book Online ~ The main purpose of Successful Telephone Selling in the '90s, however, is not to talk about reducing expenses but to show how to increase your sales production dramatically by using the telephone. A gold mine of practical guidance and information, this book divulges the methods that work for the top telephone salespeople in the country -- methods that can guarantee your own success.
Successful Telephone Selling in the '80s - Martin D ~ No eBook available. ; Barnes&Noble; Books-A-Million; IndieBound; Find in a library; All sellers » Get Textbooks on Google Play. Rent and save from the world's largest eBookstore. Read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone. Go to Google Play Now » Successful Telephone Selling in the '80s. Martin D. Shafiroff, Robert L. Shook. Barnes & Noble Books, 1982 .
TELESALES SECRETS: A Guide To Selling On The Phone ~ Simonsen gives the reader a bird's eye view of what the top phone seller's do to be successful and explains how to emulate those behaviors to get the same success. There is so much here that I never even considered before, such as the preparation for selling, structuring your call properly, keeping control of the call, and the ever important handling of objections. Simonsen also takes pains to .
Successful telephone selling in the '80s: Shafiroff ~ Successful telephone selling in the '80s [Shafiroff, Martin D] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Successful telephone selling in the '80s
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