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    Advertising Communications & Promotion Management (MCGRAW HILL SERIES IN MARKETING)

    Beschreibung Advertising Communications & Promotion Management (MCGRAW HILL SERIES IN MARKETING). This long-awaited revision of the definitive advertising and promotion management text is primarily aimed at students at the MBA level who are taking courses in advertising management or marketing communications, rather than undergraduates takingdescriptive courses in advertising. Although much of the coverage is radically new, the text is based upon the highly-regarded Rossiter-Percy framework for advertising communications and promotion management introduced in the first edition in 1987. The new name for the revision reflects the integration of mainstream advertising with corporate communications, direct response advertising, and promotions. A completely new section, Part 5, covers integrated communications strategy. Part 6 on Media Strategy has been expanded to incorporate both traditional advertising media and the new media. A broader perspective has been taken throughout the new edition, with more emphasis on corporate communications and business products and services in addition to the traditional focus on consumer packaged goods.

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