Beschreibung Strategic Marketing Management: A Means-End Approach (CLS.EDUCATION). THE MCGRAW-HILL EXECUTIVE MBA SERIES Readers look to The McGraw-Hill Executive MBA series for straight-talking, technique-filled books written by frontline executive education professors and modeled after the programs of top business schools. Strategic Marketing Management provides a logical approach for developing and positioning corporate and product brands and skillfully managing those brand positions over time. Case studies and examples illustrate how to maximize benefits from a first-mover strategy, navigate a brand extension, set priorities when establishing brand meanings, and more.
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Strategic Marketing Management (CLS.EDUCATION): Parry ~ Strategic Marketing Management provides a logical approach for developing and positioning corporate and product brands and skillfully managing those brand positions over time. Case studies and examples illustrate how to maximize benefits from a first-mover strategy, navigate a brand extension, set priorities when establishing brand meanings, and more.
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Setting value, not price / McKinsey ~ The management of this tradeoff between benefits and price has long been recognized as a critical marketing mix component. Marketers implicitly address it when they talk about positioning their product vis-Ă -vis competitors' offerings and setting the right price premium over, or discount under, them. Marketers frequently err along the two dimensions of value management, however. First, they .
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