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    BrainScripts for Sales Success: 21 Hidden Principles of Consumer Psychology for Winning New Customers

    Beschreibung BrainScripts for Sales Success: 21 Hidden Principles of Consumer Psychology for Winning New Customers. The newest, most successful strategies for landing the sale—based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience and consumer psychology BrainScripts for Sales Success explains consumer psychology to teach you how to personalize and enhance an approach and use basic, primal responses that are subtle but extremely effective.You'll learn how to use the powerful emotion of fear to convince stubborn prospects, make prospective customers successfully demonstrate the product inside their heads before they spend a penny to buy it, use speaking patterns that build desire for the product or service, and much more."A masterpiece! This is one of those rare books that I wish wouldn't get published. This gem will become the new sales bible."Dr. Joe Vitale, author of Hypnotic Writing and There's A Customer Born Every Minute“Read it and sell more—it’s just that simple.”Roger Dawson, author of Secrets of Power Negotiating “Puts you light years ahead of your competition. Read it… before your competition does.”Dr. Tony Alessandra, author The Platinum Rule for Sales Mastery“Gives you an almost unfair advantage—yet it’s all perfectly legal!”Richard Bayan, author of Words That Sell“Take all of the text books ever written about persuasion, influence, marketing, and salesmanship. Strip away the nonsense. What do you get? BrainScripts. It's a mistake not to read this book.”Mark Joyner, founder and CEO of Simpleology“Can you imagine the power in your sales presentation when you understand your prospects better than they know themselves?”Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE, Sales Presentation Skills Expert“It's like looking into a crystal ball of human behavior.”Thomas A. Freese, author of Secrets of Question Based Selling“The material in BrainScripts is so powerful it should require a license for use.”Art Sobczak, author of Smart Calling—Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling“BrainScripts shows in detail how beliefs become established, how they affect behavior and, most importantly, how business owners can ethically tap into them to help their companies grow and prosper.”Robert Dilts, Founder NLP University“BrainScripts gives you actual scripts to help get your sales message across without setting off your prospects’ ‘What’s the catch?’ alarm.”Tom "Big Al" Schreiter, author of How To Get Instant Trust, Belief, Influence, and Rapport!“BrainScripts is the definitive advantage in sales strategy. Read it and win… or pray your competitors do not.”MJ DeMarco, author of The Millionaire Fastlane“BrainScripts takes sales psychology to a new level. Drew’s practical and easy-to-use tips will also take you to the next level.”Kerry Johnson, MBA, Ph.D.;America's Sales Psychologist“BrainScripts brings you face-to-face with the prospect's intimate evaluation procedures so you can turn them into sales motivations and close the deal!”René Gnam, author of René Gnam’s Direct Mail Workshop“Drew Eric Whitman has swung open the vault to generating buyers en mass. BrainScripts just might be the best investment of your business life and selling career.” Spike Humer, author of The 10 Day Turnaround

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