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    eCommerce: Formulation of Strategy

    Beschreibung eCommerce: Formulation of Strategy. *Build a balanced, integrated strategy for eCommerce leadership! *Brand, technology, service, market, development strategies, and beyond *A boardroom guide to the latest trends in eCommerce technology *Based on research at more than 40 leading eCommerce organizations The senior executives guide to e-strategy formulation, development, and execution In this book, global eCommerce expert Dr. Robert Plant cuts through the technobabble to present the first balanced, integrated strategy for eCommerce leadership. Plant organizes every key driver of eCommerce success into a breakthrough Internet Strategy Effectiveness Scorecard that maps strategy to quantifiable metrics. Drawing on research at more than 40 top eCommerce organizations, he helps you optimize brand, technology, service, and market-and answer critical questions like these: Brand: Are you an Internet brand creator? Should you use the Internet to reinforce your other branding channels? Do you need to use the Internet to reposition your brand? Technology: Can you leverage technology to define a unique service and create barriers to entry? Should you seek to become a technology leader? How do you gain eCommerce advantage from exis

    Buch eCommerce: Formulation of Strategy PDF ePub

    Ecommerce : formulation of strategy : Plant, Robert T ~ Ecommerce : formulation of strategy by Plant, Robert T. Publication date 2000 Topics Electronic commerce, Business planning Publisher Upper Saddle River, NJ : Financial Times/Prentice Hall Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Includes bibliographical references and index Access .

    (PDF) E-commerce strategy formulation - ResearchGate ~ E-commerce strategy formulation 5 When looking at the internal factors, one approach is to view the organisation as consisting of three layers, with each layer broken down into more detail.

    Ecommerce : formulation of strategy (eBook, 2000 ~ eBook: Document : EnglishView all editions and formats: Summary: This book provides solid planning strategy backed up by in-person interviews with key people in the companies new to ecommerce and established companies moving to establish an ecommerce strategy. Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. Subjects: Electronic commerce -- Case studies. Business planning -- Case studies .

    Ecommerce : formulation of strategy (eBook, 2000 ~ Get this from a library! Ecommerce : formulation of strategy. [Robert T Plant] -- This is the first book about the formulation, development and execution of e-strategy written entirely for senior executives in the language of the boardroom. Leading eCommerce expert Robert Plant .

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    E-Commerce Strategy / Zheng Qin / Springer ~ E-Commerce Strategy builds awareness and sharpens readers' understanding of the key issues about e-commerce strategies. To link theory of e-commerce strategy with practice in the real world, it brings together theoretical perspectives based on academic research, integrated use of technologies and large amount of cases, especially those of China.

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    E-commerce strategy formulation / SpringerLink ~ With e-commerce comes major changes that must be carefully planned and coordinated to avoid chaos and confusion. The aim of this paper is to provide an approach to develop an e-commerce strategy for large organisations. An e-commerce strategy, in its most simplistic form, consists of three steps, namely: determining where the organisation is .

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