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    Secrets of Closing Sales: 6th Edition (Prentice Hall Business Classics)

    Beschreibung Secrets of Closing Sales: 6th Edition (Prentice Hall Business Classics). The #1 bestseller on the art of closing sales is now fully updated to meet the challenges of today’s competitive new sales environment—with 53 case studies drawn from real life.   The sixth edition features the newest selling tactics and strategies, the latest products, and the new salesperson/customer relations. Among the newer methods covered are critical path selling, group selling and teleconferencing, strategic selling, consultative selling, conceptual selling, empathic selling, and key account selling. Plus, you’ll also discover, step-by-step, the secrets of how to:• Analyze the customer’s psyche to determine your selling strategy• Cash in on the callbacks and follow-up visits• Make more effective use of the telephone• Get great leads from satisfied clients• Profit from telemarketing• Make sure a closed sale stays closed   Highlighted by actual real-world examples that demonstrate these successful strategies and techniques in action, Secrets of Closing Sales gives you the tested tools you need to double or even triple your current income.   “The appeal of this . . . is in the stories and closing lines collected from master salespeople. You’ll be struck by how simple and effective many techniques are.”—Executive Book Summaries

    Buch Secrets of Closing Sales: 6th Edition (Prentice Hall Business Classics) PDF ePub

    Secrets of Closing Sales: 6th Edition (Prentice Hall ~ : Secrets of Closing Sales: 6th Edition (Prentice Hall Business Classics) (9780136715122): Roth, Charles B., Alexander, Roy: Books

    Secrets of closing sales (Book, 1995) [WorldCat] ~ Secrets of closing sales. [Charles B Roth; Roy Alexander] . Prentice Hall business classics. Edition/Format: Print book: English : 6th edView all editions and formats: Summary: The most famous book on the art of closing sales is fully updated to meet the challenges of today's competitive and changing sales environment with 53 case studies drawn from real life. This new 6th Read more .

    : Customer reviews: Secrets of Closing Sales ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Secrets of Closing Sales: 6th Edition (Prentice Hall Business Classics) at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

    Secrets Of Closing Sales by Roth, Charles B ~ Prentice-Hall. Hardcover. GOOD. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible ex library copy, will have the markings and stickers associated from the library. Accessories such as CD, codes, toys, may not be included.

    Buscalibre Colombia - Libros de Editorial Prentice Hall ~ Secrets of Closing Sales: 6th Edition (Prentice Hall Business Classics) (libro en Inglés) Charles B. Roth; Roy Alexander. Prentice Hall Press, 1997, 6ª edición, Pasta blanda, Nuevo Quedan 5 unidades 40%. dcto. $ 122.900 $ 73.750 Longman Young Children¿ S Pictionary With Audio cd (Longman Dictionaries) (libro en Inglés) .

    Buscalibre Chile - Libros de Editorial Prentice Hall ~ Secrets of Closing Sales: 6th Edition (Prentice Hall Business Classics) (libro en Inglés) Charles B. Roth; Roy Alexander. Prentice Hall Press, 1997, 6ª edición, Pasta blanda, Nuevo 28%. dcto. $ 27.770 $ 19.990. Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications (Prentice Hall Communications Engineering and Emerging Techno) (libro en inglés) Bernard Sklar. Prentice Hall, 2001, 2ª .

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