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    Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage

    Beschreibung Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage. The second edition of Strategic Marketing examines the key aspects of traditional marketing strategy and provides an assessment and synthesis of recent thinking. Drawing on Porter's strategic-analytic framework in relation to marketing decision-making, the authors provide a coherent structure, allowing students to understand the theoretical foundations of the subject. A wealth of pedagogical features enhances the learning experience; such as abstracts of journal articles to introduce students to primary sources of information and encourage further reading. A diverse range of case studies, including cases on brand value and budgets, enable students to understand the application of marketing strategy in a real-life context.The text focuses on the key theme of creating and sustaining competitive advantage, articulated through the following framework:Where are we now?Where do we want to be?How will we get there?Did we get there?This framework provides students with the tools and techniques to assess the role of marketing strategy in an organization and to evaluate its impact and contribution.

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    Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage - West ~ Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage / West, Douglas, Ford, John, Ibrahim, Essam / ISBN: 9780199684090 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit .

    Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage By ~ [Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage] [By: West, Douglas] [April, 2015] / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage ~ Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage Douglas West, John Ford, Essam Ibrahim Limited preview - 2010. Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage Douglas C. West, John Battice Ford, Essam Ibrahim Snippet view - 2006. View all » Common terms and phrases. activities advertising analysis approach assess behaviour benefits big data brand managers buyers campaign cent .

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    Doc # Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage ~ Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage (Paperback) By Douglas West, John Ford, Essam Ibrahim Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 2015. Paperback. Book Condition: New. 3rd Revised edition. 244 x 188 mm. Language: English . Brand New Book. The third edition of Strategic Marketing examines the ways in which companies

    Strategic Marketing Buch von Douglas West ~ The new edition of Strategic Marketing examines key aspects of traditional marketing strategy combined with the presentation of a synthesis of recent thinking on the subject. The key focus of the text is how companies create and sustain competitive advantage through the employment of marketing strategies.

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    Strategic Marketing 8E , Cravens, 2010, , 784 pages. ~ Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage, Douglas C. West, John Battice Ford, Essam Ibrahim, Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2006, 0199273987, 9780199273980, 517 pages. This text discusses how companies create competitive advantage through strategic marketing. Using established frameworks and concepts, it examines aspects of marketing strategy and thinking. It provides .

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