Beschreibung Logistics Management and Strategy: Competing Through the Supply Chain. Logistics Management and Strategy is an excellent text that disseminates knowledge and understanding of logistics in an easy-to-read way. While explaining with great clarity the theoretical concepts, it remains very pragmatic and close to business life through the use of concrete examples and well-chosen case studies. It manages to examine logistics knowledge and understanding in depth while at the same time remaining not only very accessible but really pleasant to read. Finally, its international perspective reflects the nature of logistics today.This text is intended for MSc students on logistics courses, and as an accompanying text for open learning courses such as the global MSc degrees and virtual universities. It will also be attractive as a management textbook and as recommended reading on MBA options in logistics and supply chain management.
Logistics Management and Strategy Logistics Management ~ Logistics Management and Strategy Competing through the supply chain 3rd edition Alan Harrison and Remko van Hoek A concise, applied and strategic introduction to the subject of logistics and supply chain management, perfect for modern managers and students of logistics and supply chain management. Logistics and supply chain management continue to transform the competitive landscape and have .
Logistics Management and Strategy: Competing Through the ~ Logistics and supply chain management continue to transform the competitive landscape and have become one of today's key business issues. This third edition of Logistics Management and Strategy continues to take a practical, integrated and international approach to logistics and includes the very latest research to reflect the innovative and exciting developments in this subject area.
Logistics Management & Strategy: Harrison, Alan ~ Accordingly, we start in Part One with the strategic role of logistics in the supply chain. We continue by developing the marketing perspective by explaining our view of ‘putting the end-customer first’. Part One finishes by exploring the concept of value and logistics costs. In Part Two, we review leveraging logistics operations in terms of their global dimensions, and of the lead-time .
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Logistics Management and Strategy 5th edition - bücher ~ Listed as one of the top ten supply chain books of all time on www.supplychainopz! A concise, applied and strategic introduction to the subject of logistics and supply chain management, perfect for modern managers and students of logistics and supply chain management.
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Download Logistics Management And Strategy Competing ~ Logistics Management and Strategy Competing through the supply chain 3rd edition Alan Harrison and Remko van Hoek A concise, applied and strategic introduction to the subject of logistics and supply chain management, perfect for modern managers and students of logistics and supply chain management Logistics Management and Strategy Competing .
Logistics Management and Strategy 5th edition : Competing ~ Logistics Management and Strategy 5th edition : Competing through the Supply Chain. Listed as one of the top ten supply chain books of all time on www.supplychainopz!A concise, applied and strategic introduction to the subject of logistics and supply .
Logistics Management and Strategy 5th edition: Competing ~ Logistics Management and Strategy 5th edition: Competing through the Supply Chain, 5th Edition. Alan Harrison, Cranfield School of Management . Remko Van Hoek, The Cranfield Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Prof Heather Skipworth, University of Cranfield ©2014 / Pearson / View larger. If you're an educator Request a copy. Download instructor resources. Alternative formats. If .
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