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    Essentials of Global Marketing

    Beschreibung Essentials of Global Marketing. Essentials of Global Marketing offers a concise and manageable approach to the subject. The accessible structure takes the reader through the entire international marketing planning process, and fundamental concepts are illuminated by examples from a wide range of companies, small and large, from around the world.

    Buch Essentials of Global Marketing PDF ePub

    Essentials of Global Marketing (eBook, PDF) - bücher ~ Essentials of Global Marketing offers a concise and manageable approach to the subject. The accessible structure takes the reader through the entire international marketing planning process, and fundamental concepts are illuminated by examples from a wide range of companies, small and large, from around the world.

    Essentials of Global Marketing - Hollensen, Svend - ~ Essentials of Global Marketing / Hollensen, Svend / ISBN: 9780273756545 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    eBook: Essentials of Global Marketing von Svend Hollensen ~ Essentials of Global Marketing von Svend Hollensen (ISBN 978-0-273-75657-6) online kaufen / Sofort-Download - lehmanns

    Essentials of Global Marketing von Svend Hollensen ~ Essentials of Global Marketing offers a concise and manageable approach to the subject. The accessible structure takes the reader through the entire international marketing planning process, and fundamental concepts are illuminated by examples from a wide range of companies, small and large, from around the world.

    Essentials of Services Marketing, Global Edition (eBook ~ Essentials of Services Marketing, 3e, is meant for courses directed at undergraduate and polytechnic students, especially those heading for a career in the service sector, whether at the executive or management level. It delivers streamlined coverage of services marketing topics with an exciting global outlook with visual learning aids and clear language. It has been designed so that .

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    Essentials of Services Marketing von Jochen Wirtz / ISBN ~ Essentials of Services Marketing, 3e, is meant for courses directed at undergraduate and polytechnic students, especially those heading for a career in the service sector, whether at the executive or management level. It delivers streamlined coverage of services marketing topics with an exciting global outlook with visual learning aids and clear language. It has been designed so that .