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    Turow, J: Daily You - How the Advertising Industry is Defini

    Beschreibung Turow, J: Daily You - How the Advertising Industry is Defini. The Internet is often hyped as a means to enhanced consumer power: a hypercustomized media world where individuals exercise unprecedented control over what they see and do. That is the scenario media guru Nicholas Negroponte predicted in the 1990s, with his hypothetical online newspaper The Daily Me—and it is one we experience now in daily ways. But, as media expert Joseph Turow shows, the customized media environment we inhabit today reflectsdiminished consumer power. Not only ads and discounts but even news and entertainment are being customized by newly powerful media agencies on the basis of data we don’t know they are collecting and individualized profiles we don’t know we have. Little is known about this new industry: how is this data being collected and analyzed? And how are our profiles created and used? How do you know if you have been identified as a “target” or “waste” or placed in one of the industry’s finer-grained marketing niches? Are you, for example, a Socially Liberal Organic Eater, a Diabetic Individual in the Household, or Single City Struggler? And, if so, how does that affect what you see and do online?Drawing on groundbreaking research, including interviews with industry insiders, this important book shows how advertisers have come to wield such power over individuals and media outlets—and what can be done to stop it.

    Buch Turow, J: Daily You - How the Advertising Industry is Defini PDF ePub

    (PDF) The daily you: How the new advertising industry is ~ Joseph Turow’s The Daily You takes us behind the scenes of the advertising industry to get a better sense of not just how its capitalistic rationale is put into practice but its potential impact .

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    The Aisles Have Eyes: How Retailers Track Your Shopping ~ Turow displays the same tedious thoroughness in his 2011 book The Daily You. However, his conclusions and warnings regarding the invasion of our privacy, and the prejudicial profiles being developed on every one of us are words every single citizen should be completely versed in. We're fortunate that people like Joseph Turow take the time to understand just how invasive and opaque this data .

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