Beschreibung Web Analytics Action Hero. Companies need more than just web analysts and data-savvy marketers to be successfulthey need action heroes!While most of us never battle evil scientists or defuse nuclear warheads, successful web analysts benefit from the same attributes that fictional action heroes embody. As a web analyst, your main goal is to improve your organizations online performance. You can become an action hero by translating analysis insights into action that generates significant returns for your company. How you approach analysis is critical to your overall success.In this book, web analytics expert Brent Dykes addresses the unique challenges facing analysts and online marketers working within small and large companies, teaching you how to move beyond reporting and toward analysis to drive action and change. Taking a principle-based rather than a tool-specific approach, Brent introduces you to the Action Hero Framework that breaks down the analysis process into three key stages: Prioritize (what to analyze), Analyze (how to analyze), and Mobilize (how to drive action). And he reinforces these topics with real-world examples and practical tips from seasoned analysts at leading companies.Defines the type of environment in which action heroes thrivenot just surviveas well as how to defeat the villains of web analytics that stand in the wayArms web professionals with a strategic framework for executing online analysis, as well as an arsenal of analysis techniquesReveals how companies need to be both data-driven and action-agile to drive business value from web analyticsFor more action hero resources and information, check out the books companion site at"The ideas in this book will take you days (or even weeks) to work your way through, and they fly in the face of the emotional approach to marketing. The question is: would you rather have your competition lead the way with data and science when it comes to reaching your market, or are you going to go first? That's how it is with action heroes--no guts, no glory."-Seth Godin AuthorWe Are All Weird"Don't let the jaunty, breezy style of this book throw you off. Brent successfully - and entertainingly - packs years of experience into these pages along with case studies and insightful help on getting the most out of web analytics, adding value to your company and boosting your career trajectory."-Jim Sterne Founder of eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, author of "Social Media Metrics" and Chairman of the Digital Analytics Association
Web Analytics Action Hero: Using Analysis to Gain Insight ~ Web Analytics Action Hero is a must read for any digital professional -- whether you're a web analyst, IT professional, marketer, social media professional or website guru. This book provides a detailed framework for how to formulate and analyze website data with the goal of teaching you how to create insights. The best part of the book is profiling internal clients within the corporate and how you can put yourself in their position ultimately tailoring your message to satisfy even the most .
Books / Web Analytics Action Hero ~ It’s currently available as a free download from Adobe Press. Web Analytics Action Hero: Using Analysis to Gain Insight and Optimize Your Business Print or eBook Available (256 pages) While many people had covered the basics of web analytics in various books and blogs, I felt as though the field of web analytics had become stuck in a rut. Too much of the focus was on implementation and reporting—not enough emphasis was being placed on analysis, optimization, and driving action from the .
Analytics Hero / Web Analytics, Data Storytelling, And ~ When I was preparing to write my first book, Web Analytics Action Hero, I decided to focus on material that I felt was underemphasized or missing from the existing literature on web analytics. I wanted to help transform the industry’s reporting-centered mindset to one focused on analysis and driving action from digital data. At the time, I didn’t feel the need to re-hash what other web .
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