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Modern Perspectives on Organization Theories ~ The practical interest is the application of the theory how to avoid uncertainty and actually get through with it. Moreover it is the interplay of action and structure (Tsoukas and Knudsen, 2003). Once reaching a stage of practical and technical knowledge, managers often have the believe of having reached “the ceiling of wisdom”. The duty is done after having fulfilled their task by .
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Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management: Vol 40, No 3 ~ Sales management, education, and scholarship across cultures: early findings from a global study and an agenda for future research Riley Dugan , Deva Rangarajan , Lenita Davis , Willy Bolander , Ellen Bolman Pullins , Dawn Deeter-Schmelz , Joel LeBon & Raj Agnihotri
Financial Management: Theory & Practice, 16th Edition ~ Emphasizing corporate valuation and its relevance to financial decisions, Brigham/Ehrhardt's FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 16th edition, explains key theoretical concepts and provides practical tools to assess and implement effective financial decisions. The authors introduce the fundamentals before expanding to strategic finance, linking recent events to finance's role in the .
Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management ~ Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management Marketing Models and Methods in Theory and Practice. Herausgeber: Diamantopoulos, A, Fritz, Wolfgang, Hildebrandt, Lutz (Eds.) Vorschau. A broad overview of quantitative approaches in marketing; Dieses Buch kaufen eBook 85,59 € Preis für Deutschland (Brutto) eBook kaufen ISBN 978-3-8349-3722-3; Versehen mit digitalem Wasserzeichen, DRM-frei .
Sales Management Process, Definition, Strategies ~ Who Benefits from Sales Management? Sales management in practice positively affects everyone involved in the sales cycle. The more mature your sales process is, the more the manager adapts and improves it over time, the more likely your team will achieve top performance. In the same way that we've outlined the three aspects of sales management, there are three key stakeholders involved with .
The Importance of Modern Management Theories in Managing ~ Academics and business owners periodically come up with theories for increasing worker output while keeping the same number of workers through modern management theories. Modern management is the era of management that began in the 1880s and 1890s with Frederick Taylor who argued for new practices.
Individual Competence Baseline, Version 4.0 (ICB 4): GPM ~ Anders als ihre Vorgänger ist die ICB 4 kein national angepasster Standard, keine National Competence Baseline (NCB), sondern eine 1:1-Übersetzung des weltweit gültigen Standards der International Project Management Association (IPMA). Die deutsche Version der IPMA ICB 4 stellt zudem eine harmonisierte Version in der deutschsprachigen D-A-CH-Region dar und wurde zwischen der GPM und ihren .
Stressmanagement – Wikipedia ~ Stressmanagement (Synonyme: Coping, Stressbewältigung) ist ein Sammelbegriff für Methoden und Bewältigungsstrategien, um psychisch und physisch belastenden Stress zu verringern oder ganz abzubauen. Stressmanagementmethoden können hilfreich sein, wenn Widerstandsfähigkeit und Selbstheilungskräfte des Menschen wegen innerer und äußerer Belastungen zur Erhaltung der Leistungsfähigkeit .
Solution-Focused Management (Solution-Focused Management ~ In this book, the practical uses of solution-focused work in companies and management are shown. By means of conceptual contributions, as well as many case studies and projects in practice, current developments in Leadership, Marketing and Sales, Project Management, Work Design, Human Resources, Organisational Development and Learning, Training and Coaching, as well as Conflict Management are .
Creating Value from Data Sharing - Future-oriented ~ This book reveals opportunities and challenges of data sharing, outlining that great value can be created by data sharing business models. Such a future-oriented and platform-based business model, including realization advice, is exemplarily developed for the startup Quemey.
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Ertragsmanagement – Wikipedia ~ Das Yield-Management [ˈjiːld ˌmænɪdʒmənt], häufig mit Ertragsmanagement übersetzt, ist ein Instrument zur simultanen und dynamischen, meist rechnergestützten Preis- und Kapazitätssteuerung. Es ist abgeleitet von Yield, dem englischen Begriff für die Rendite.. Vom Prinzip her handelt es sich beim Yield-Management um eine spezielle Form der Preisdifferenzierung.