Beschreibung Retail Product Management: Buying and merchandising. Retailers must be primed to face increasingly difficult trading conditions thanks to the rise of the internet, increasingly better informed consumers, technological advances and an often competitive environment. This established textbook, now in its third edition, helps to provide students with the necessary skills to understand and tackle these challenges. Retail Product Management explains the importance of retailing as a customer-focused activity and helps to provide students of courses such as "Retail Marketing", "Retail Management" and "The Retail Environment" with an excellent introduction to this important topic. With an emphasis on the operational side, this text incorporates features including expanded case vignettes, questions for further discussion, and application tasks. It also includes a new chapter on ethical and sustainable retail product management. Retaining the popular style and elements of the first two editions, Rosemary Varley's Retail Product Management will continue to find favour with students and lecturers involved with retailing.
Retail Product Management: Buying and merchandising ~ Retail Product Management: Buying and merchandising / Varley, Rosemary (London College of Fashion, UK) / ISBN: 9780415577588 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Retail Product Management: Buying and merchandising ~ Retail Product Management: Buying and merchandising, Edition 3 - Ebook written by Rosemary Varley. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Retail Product Management: Buying and merchandising, Edition 3.
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Merchandise Buying and Management: Donnellan, John ~ The fourth edition of Merchandise Buying and Management has been updated to cover the most current information on merchandising and retailing. Written for college-level courses dealing with retail buying and the management for retail inventories, the text covers topics relevant to future buyers and store management personnel. The material is presented within the context of a contemporary .
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The Ultimate Guide to Visual Merchandising [Examples] ~ Visual merchandising is the retail practice of designing in-store displays to catch the shopperâs eye and increase sales. Check out this ultimate guide for a visual merchandising definition, merchandiser job description, and tips and techniques for your visual merchandising strategy.
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Merchandiser job description template / Workable ~ We are looking for an experienced Merchandiser to produce sales by providing point-of-purchase and shelf management services. You will get the right product, in the right place, time, quantity and price. Responsibilities. Plan and develop merchandising strategies that balance customersâ expectations and companyâs objectives