Beschreibung Hire With Your Head: Using Performance-Based Hiring to Build Great Teams. Hire with Your Head Updated with new case studies and more coverage of the impact and importance of the Internet in the hiring process, this indispensable guide has shown tens of thousands of managers and human resources professionals how to find the perfect candidate for any position. Lou Adler's Performance-based Hiring is more powerful than ever! "We have chosen Performance-based Hiring because it's a comprehensive process, it's behaviorally grounded, managers and recruiters find it easy to use, and it works."-Marshall Utterson, Director Staffing, AIG Enterprise Services, LLC "Everyone's looking for the perfect means to make effective hiring decisions. A trained interviewer armed with the right tools is the best solution. Performance-based Hiring is a proven methodology to get these results."-John Ganley, Vice President and Chief Talent Officer, Quest Software "Any staffing director that doesn't send all of their people through Performance-based Hiring training is missing out on top talent, plain and simple. This should be the standard throughout the industry."-Dan Hilbert, Recruiting Manager, Valero Energy Corporation "Performance-based Hiring has been the most successful recruitment tool that we have added to our organization over the past few years. In fact, these tools have not only produced amazing outcomes-in terms of selecting the best fit in an extremely tight labor market-but with a level of success among our operations customers that I have rarely seen with other HR products."-Trudy Knoepke-Campbell, Director, Workforce Planning, HealthEast(r) Care System
Hire With Your Head: Using Performance-Based Hiring to ~ Hire With Your Head: Using Performance-Based Hiring to Build Great Teams / Adler, Lou / ISBN: 8601300282602 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Hire With Your Head: Using Performance-Based Hiring to ~ Hire with Your Head Updated with new case studies and more coverage of the impact and importance of the Internet in the hiring process, this indispensable guide has shown tens of thousands of managers and human resources professionals how to find the perfect candidate for any position.
Hire with Your Head: Using Performance-Based Hiring to ~ Hire with Your Head Updated with new case studies and more coverage of the impact and importance of the Internet in the hiring process, this indispensable guide has shown tens of thousands of managers and human resources professionals how to find the perfect candidate for any position. Lou Adler's Performance-based Hiring is more powerful than ever!
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