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    Dalrymple's Sales Management: Concepts and Cases

    Beschreibung Dalrymple's Sales Management: Concepts and Cases. Easily accessible, real-world and practical, Dalrymple's Sales Management 10e by Cron and DeCarlo introduces the reader to the issues, strategies and relationships that relate to the job of managing an effective sales force. With a lively and engaging style, this book places emphasis on developing a sales force program and managing strategic account relationships. With additional information on team development, diversity in the work force, problem-solving skills, and financial issues, this title provides a complete guide for taking student past the classroom and into a future career in sales management.

    Buch Dalrymple's Sales Management: Concepts and Cases PDF ePub

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    [PDF] Dalrymples Sales Management Full Download-BOOK ~ Dalrymples Sales Management by William L. Cron, Dalrymple S Sales Management Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Dalrymple S Sales Management books , Easily accessible, real-world and practical, Dalrymple's Sales Management 10e by Cron and DeCarlo introduces the reader to the issues, strategies and relationships that relate to the job of managing an effective sales force.

    Sales Management: Concepts and Cases, 10th Edition ~ Easily accessible, real-world and practical, Dalrymples Sales Management 10e by Cron and DeCarlo introduces the reader to the issues, strategies and relationships that relate to the job of managing an effective sales force. With a lively and engaging style, this book places emphasis on developing a sales force program and managing strategic account relationships.

    Wiley Dalrymple's Sales Management: Concepts and Cases ~ Dalrymple's Sales Management: Concepts and Cases, 10th Edition William L. Cron, Thomas E. DeCarlo E-Book Rental (120 Days) 978-0-470-45869-3 February 2009 $54.00 E-Book Rental (150 Days) 978-0-470-45869-3 February 2009 $62.00 E-Book 978-0-470-45869-3 February 2009 $156.00 Hardcover 978-0-470-16965-0 December 2008 $264.95 DESCRIPTION Easily accessible, real-world and practical, Dalrymple's .

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    Dalrymple's Sales Management: Concepts and Cases: Cron ~ Easily accessible, real-world and practical, the Tenth Edition of Dalrymple's Sales Management: Concepts and Cases introduces students to the issues, strategies, and relationships that relate to both the development of a sales force program and the management of strategic account relationships. Featuring real-world examples, including a new running case based on the fictional Shield Financial Company, students will have a rich foundation for work in sales management.

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    Competitive Strategy, by Michael E. Porter. New York: Free ~ and assimilate the concepts in both books by using Porter's case book (Porter, 1983). The case book provides details for most of the excellent examples which Porter uses in the other two books. The teaching manual, particularly, pres-ents an excellent "logic in process" and shows how Porter thinks through his ideas and how