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    Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide for Business Leaders

    Beschreibung Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide for Business Leaders. A comprehensive reference for any professional to understand the capabilities and competencies required for effective Pricing and Profitability Management. It describes each of the six competencies (Pricing Strategy, Price Execution, Advanced Analytics and Optimization, Organizational Alignment and Governance, Pricing Technology and Data Management, and Tax and Regulatory Effectiveness) in detail, and addresses how an integrated approach to Pricing improvement will build a sustainable, competitive advantage for any organization. Julie Meehan is a Senior Manager in Deloitte's Pricing & Profitability Management Practice. She has over 10 years of experience in consulting focused on strategy development and operational improvement including profit enhancement through pricing. Mike Simonetto leads the Global Pricing and Profitability Management Practice for Deloitte Consulting as well as the Price and Profitability Management Integrated Market Offering for Deloitte & Touche LLP. His 17 years of consulting experience include pricing strategy, pricing execution, business process design, acquisition due diligence and integration, strategic sourcing, and new product development across a range of industries.

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    Pricing and Profitability Management : A Practical Guide ~ The practical guide to using pricing and profitability management to build a better business. A comprehensive reference for any business professional looking to understand the capabilities and competencies required for effectively managing pricing and profitability, Pricing and Profitability Management explains how to determine the right approach, tools, and techniques for each of six key .

    Pricing And Profitability Management A Practical Guide For ~ pricing and profitability management a practical guide for business leaders is available in our book collection an online access to it is set as public so you can get it instantly. Our books collection saves in multiple countries, allowing you to get the most less latency time to download any of our books like this one.

    Pricing and Profitability Management - GBV ~ Pricing and Profitability Management A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR BUSINESS LEADERS Julie M. Meehan Michael G. Simonetto Larry Montan, Jr. Christopher A. Goodin WILEY John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd. Table of Contents Foreword Acknowledgments xi xv Chapter 1 Introduction to Pricing and Profitability Management 1 Pricing: The Critical Lever for Raising Performance 2 Common Obstacles to Pricing and .

    Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide ~ Most business leaders understand that pricing is a powerful lever they can use to gain a competitive edge. Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide for Business Leaders book is full of strategic advice as well as practice insight to help your organization in its efforts to improve pricing management capabilities.

    Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide ~ Get Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide for Business Leaders now with O’Reilly online learning. O’Reilly members experience live online training, plus books, videos, and digital content from 200+ publishers.

    Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide ~ The practical guide to using pricing and profitability management to build a better business. A comprehensive reference for any business professional looking to understand the capabilities and competencies required for effectively managing pricing and profitability, Pricing and Profitability Management explains how to determine the right approach, tools, and techniques for each of six key .

    Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide ~ Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide for Business Leaders. Julie Meehan, Mike Simonetto, Larry Montan, Chris Goodin. ISBN: 978-0-470-82527-3. Jul 2011. 320 pages. Quantity: Select type: Hardcover. E-Book $74.99. In Stock Hardcover $114.00. O-Book. In Stock. $114.00. Add to cart. Description The practical guide to using pricing and profitability management to build a better .

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    Pricing, Product & Commercial Spend Services / Deloitte US ~ Leadership. Our pricing and profitability practice has also authored two top-selling pricing books. The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably is now in its sixth edition and remains the best-selling book on the topic, and Pricing and Profitability Management: A Practical Guide for Business Leaders presents a pragmatic approach to driving profitable growth for any .

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