Beschreibung The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching: A Developmental Approach (Jossey-bass Business and Management). When the first edition of The Handbook of Coaching was published in 1999 it was an innovative resource that offered a compendium of basic information about the then burgeoning field of adult coaching. Written for experienced and aspiring coaches, as well as for executives and human resource professionals interested in this expansive profession, this thoroughly revised and updated edition describes the essential underpinnings of successful coaching and includes a comprehensive, annotated list of books, articles, and other resources. The second edition also contains chapters that focus on how coaches can facilitate transformative change and explores how transitions create opportunity for development. This new edition also incorporates new advances in and research on coaching and adult development--pulling together data that is available online and new information that cannot be found anywhere else.
The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching: A ~ The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching: A Developmental Approach (Jossey-bass Business and Management) / McLean, Pamela / ISBN: 9780470906743 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Wiley: The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching: A ~ The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching: A Developmental Approach, 2nd Edition. Pamela McLean. ISBN: 978-0-470-90674-3 . 288 pages. September 2012, ©2012, Jossey-Bass. Read an Excerpt . Description. Praise for The Completely Revised HANDBOOK OF COACHING "Pam McLean has written a jewel of a book. Its straightforward, easy-to-read style lays out an elegantly simple, effective, and agile .
: The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching: A ~ The original handbook was an excellent source for coaching topics and related research; however, the revised version incorporates some more novel coaching approaches. For example, such coaching experts as Richard Maurer, Doug Silsbee, and Mary Beth O'Neill and their contribution to the coaching profession - be it dealing client resistance, leveraging presence, or a signature presence with .
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