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    Industrial Marketing Strategy, 3rd Edition: Third Edition

    Beschreibung Industrial Marketing Strategy, 3rd Edition: Third Edition. Develop customer-focused, market-driven strategies for today's competitive marketplace. . .Industrial Marketing StrategyWidely regarded as a classic text in the field, Industrial Marketing Strategy, Third Edition shows you, as a practicing manager, how to develop the marketing strategies your business needs to succeed in a rapidly evolving global marketplace. This important book covers: * The basic concepts of customer analysis, buying behavior, buyer-seller relationships, market segmentation and targeting, and positioning * Proven, concrete, strategic management techniques--rather than a rote enumeration of the functions and institutions of industrial marketing * Guidelines for implementing the value proposition through distribution and marketing communications * The role of marketing in the broader context of business and corporate-level strategic planning * Special sections on product development, national account management, customer service, information technology, and price signaling

    Buch Industrial Marketing Strategy, 3rd Edition: Third Edition PDF ePub

    Industrial Marketing Strategy 3rd Edition - ~ Develop customer-focused, market-driven strategies for today's competitive marketplace. . . Industrial Marketing Strategy. Widely regarded as a classic text in the field, Industrial Marketing Strategy, Third Edition shows you, as a practicing manager, how to develop the marketing strategies your business needs to succeed in a rapidly evolving global marketplace.

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