Beschreibung Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers (Wiley Restaurant Basics Series). The complete guide to marketing for restaurant managersHow do I market my restaurant to prospective customers? Do loyalty programs really work? How do I communicate with my local newspaper to get the biggest "bang" for my marketing buck? By providing specific tools and methods tying marketing theory to practice, this concise, easy-to-use book provides restaurant and foodservice managers with answers to these marketing questions and many more.Part of the Restaurant Basics Series, this hands-on resource offers a variety of material that is applicable to the day-to-day operation of a foodservice business, including strategies linking the location and design of a restaurant with its menu and pricing, as well as guidance on how to imple-ment a marketing plan and budget.Patti J. Shock (Las Vegas, NV) is Associate Professor and Chair of the Tourism and Convention Department of the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. John T. Bowen (Las Vegas, NV) is Professor in the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. John M. Stefanelli (Las Vegas, NV) is Professor and Chair of the Food and Beverage Department of the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers (Wiley ~ Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers (Wiley Restaurant Basics Series) / Shock, Patti J., Bowen, John T., Stefanelli, John M. / ISBN: 9780471226277 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers - Wiley ~ Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers. Read an Excerpt Chapter 01 (PDF) Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers. Patti J. Shock, John T. Bowen, John M. Stefanelli. ISBN: 978-0-471-22627-7. Oct 2003. 240 pages . Quantity: Select type: Paperback. E-Book $32.00. In Stock Paperback $30.00. In Stock. $30.00. Add to cart. Description. This book is a concise, easy-to-use resource for .
Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers - Wiley ~ Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers. Read an Excerpt Chapter 01 (PDF) Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers. Patti J. Shock, John T. Bowen, John M. Stefanelli . ISBN: 978-1-119-08495-2. Dec 2014. 240 pages. Select type: E-Book. E-Book $32.00. In Stock Paperback $30.00. $32.00. Add to cart. Description. This book is a concise, easy-to-use resource for applying marketing .
Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers Wiley ~ The Restaurant Basics Series provides restaurant owners and managers with expert advice and practical guidance on critical issues in restaurant operation and management. Written by leading authorities in their respective areas of expertise, these easy-to-use guides offer instant access to authoritative information on every aspect of the restaurant business and every type of restaurant .
: Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers ~ The Restaurant Basics Series provides restaurant owners and managers with expert advice and practical guidance on critical issues in restaurant operation and management. Written by leading authorities in their respective areas of expertise, these easy-to-use guides offer instant access to authoritative information on every aspect of the restaurant business and every type of restaurant .
Restaurant Management / Restaurant & Food Service ~ Restaurant Management examines in detail the role of the manager of each of the major areas of food service: purchasing, distribution, production, service, accounting, labor, product, and profit.
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10 Tipps fĂŒr erfolgreiches Restaurant Marketing! / Gronda ~ Restaurant Marketing ist nicht mehr gleich wie frĂŒher. Es ist essentiell, dass Restaurants sich mit Online Marketing beschĂ€ftigen und eine ordentliche Online PrĂ€senz aufbauen. Obwohl viele der folgenden Tipps Online sind, kannst (und sollst!) du immer noch viel Offline Marketing fĂŒr dein Restaurant betreiben. Die Gelben Seiten werden heute von Restaurants kaum noch gebraucht. Das auch aus .
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9 Effective Strategies For Restaurant Marketing ~ No longer do restaurant owners depend on the traditional word of mouth to market their restaurants. Most restaurants Iâve walked into lately seem to be taking advantage of the digital media and mobile technology. While some of these restaurants are getting it right, majority are struggling to get their restaurants marketing strategy on track. However, considering the fierce competition and .
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