Beschreibung Essentials of Supply Chain Management (Essentials Series). Discover what a supply chain is and how it works Utilize technology to boost efficiency and responsiveness Align your supply chain with market demands Learn how to develop pragmatic supply chain systems ESSENTIALS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMEN Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in supply chain management "Mr. Hugos uses a fluid writing style that takes a difficult subject and makes it read like a novel. I read it quickly and continue to use it as a reference guide. We provide services and materials to the fortune 500 and this book provides us with a thought process that endures as well as simple actions that will increase our bottom line immediately." Michael J. Chakos, Chief Operating Officer, Kenny Industrial Service "Michael Hugos does an excellent job of informing the reader on the latest concepts and technologies of supply chain management (SCM). The real jewel in this book can be found in the way that Mr. Hugos was able to provide a solid set of frameworks that will enable the business executive to link SCM to strategy and, at the same time, measure its effectiveness." John ODonnell, President, NA Commercial Business, Georgia-Pacific Corporatio "This book takes a purportedly very complex subject and reduces it to easily understandable concepts. It very clearly and concisely explains how to determine your companys place in the value chain and how to enhance your companys value in that chain. It should be required reading for all business students and current managers who are searching for better ways to compete in todays marketplace. I have marked several pages that contain concepts I want to put in practice immediately." Sunil Arora, Vice President, Global eBusiness, Anixter International, Inc
Essentials of Supply Chain Management (eBook - bücher ~ -Supply Management "In clear and concise prose, this lean book outlines the mostcrucial tenets and concepts of supply chain management." -Supply Chain Management Review The Wiley Essentials Series-because the business world is alwayschanging.and so should you.
Essentials of Supply Chain Management - Hugos, Michael H ~ Essentials of Supply Chain Management is the definitive guide to the field, providing both broad coverage and necessary detail from a practical, real-world perspective. From clear explanation of fundamental concepts to insightful discussion of supply chain innovation, this book offers students and professionals a comprehensive introduction with immediately-applicable understanding. The fourth edition has been updated to reflect the current state of the field, with coverage of the latest .
Essentials of Supply Chain Management (Essentials Series ~ Essentials of Supply Chain Management is the definitive guide to the field, providing both broad coverage and necessary detail from a practical, real-world perspective. From clear explanation of fundamental concepts to insightful discussion of supply chain innovation, this book offers students and professionals a comprehensive introduction with immediately-applicable understanding. The fourth edition has been updated to reflect the current state of the field, with coverage of the latest .
Essentials of Supply Chain Management - PDF Free Download ~ ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management Essentials Series The Essentials Series was created for busy business advisory and corporate professionals.The books in this series were designed so that these busy professionals can quickly acquire knowledge and skills in core business areas. Each book provides need-to-have fundamentals for those .
Essentials of Supply Chain Management / Wiley Online Books ~ Essentials of Supply Chain Management is the definitive guide to the field, providing both broad coverage and necessary detail from a practical, real-world perspective. From clear explanation of fundamental concepts to insightful discussion of supply chain innovation, this book offers students and professionals a comprehensive introduction with immediately-applicable understanding. The fourth edition has been updated to reflect the current state of the field, with coverage of the latest .
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Essentials of Supply Chain Management / Wiley Online Books ~ The latest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies to stay current in supply chain management. Presenting the core concepts and techniques of supply chain management in a clear, concise and easily readable style, the Third Edition of Essentials of Supply Chain Management outlines the most crucial tenets and concepts of supply chain management.
Essentials of Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition / Wiley ~ Essentials of Supply Chain Management is the definitive guide to the field, providing both broad coverage and necessary detail from a practical, real-world perspective. From clear explanation of fundamental concepts to insightful discussion of supply chain innovation, this book offers students and professionals a comprehensive introduction with immediately-applicable understanding. The fourth edition has been updated to reflect the current state of the field, with coverage of the latest .
Essentials of Supply Chain Management (Essentials Series ~ Essentials of Supply Chain Management is the definitive guide to the field, providing both broad coverage and necessary detail from a practical, real-world perspective. From clear explanation of fundamental concepts to insightful discussion of supply chain innovation, this book offers students and professionals a comprehensive introduction with immediately-applicable understanding. The fourth edition has been updated to reflect the current state of the field, with coverage of the latest .
Supply Chain Management von Hartmut Werner - Fachbuch ~ Supply Chain Management hat sich zu einem betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachgebiet mit besonders gravierendem Wandel entwickelt. Insbesondere werden bei einer Supply Chain große Verbesserungspotenziale vermutet. Hartmut Werner zeigt konkrete Wege zur Ausschöpfung dieser Optimierungsmöglichkeiten auf. Dazu werden die Grundlagen des Supply Chain Managements sowie moderne Supply-Chain-Strategien .
Essentials of Supply Chain Management (Essentials Series ~ Essentials of Supply Chain Management is the definitive guide to the field, providing both broad coverage and necessary detail from a practical, real-world perspective. From clear explanation of fundamental concepts to insightful discussion of supply chain innovation, this book offers students and professionals a comprehensive introduction with immediately-applicable understanding. The fourth edition has been updated to reflect the current state of the field, with coverage of the latest .
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Essentials of Supply Chain Management / Strategic ~ Streamlining supply chain efficiency to maximize profitability This practical guide describes how the supply chain operates and discusses the issues and techniques that are relevant for companies seeking to improve the management of their supply chains. Organized using the features of the Essentials series, this easy-to-use guide contains tips and techniques for maximizing supply chain .
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(PDF) Key Concepts of Supply Chain Management / Michael ~ Essentials of Supply Chain Management is the definitive guide to the field, providing both broad coverage and necessary detail from a practical, real-world perspective. From clear explanation of fundamental concepts to insightful discussion of supply
Zusammenfassung Supply Chain Management ~ I. Einführung in das Supply Chain Management 1. Allgemeine Grundlagen des Supply Chain Managements 2. Strukturgerüst des Supply Chain Managements 3. Strategische Überlegungen in Zulieferer-Abnehmer-Beziehungen II. Planungsansätze des strategischen Supply Chain Managements 1. Advanced Planing Systems 2. Verfahren der Bedarfsprognose 3. Distribution und Transport III. Controlling des Supply .
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Lean Supply Chain Management Essentials - Supply Chain ~ Lean Supply Chain Management Essentials Presenting an alternate approach to supply chain management, ‘Lean Supply Chain Management Essentials: A Framework for Materials Managers’ explains why the traditional materials planning environment, typically embodied by an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, is an ineffective support system for a company that wants to adopt Lean practices.
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Lieferkette – Wikipedia ~ Mit Lieferkette ( chain [səˈplaɪ tʃeɪn]) wird das Netzwerk von Organisationen bezeichnet, die über vor- und nachgelagerte Verbindungen an den verschiedenen Prozessen und Tätigkeiten der Wertschöpfung in Form von Produkten und Dienstleistungen für den Endkunden beteiligt sind. Das Konzept der Lieferkette gehört zum Standardrepertoire der Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
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