Beschreibung Modeling the Supply Chain (Duxbury Applied). With an emphasis on modeling techniques, Jeremy Shapiro's MODELING THE SUPPLY CHAIN is the perfect tool for courses in supply chain management or for professional managers who seek better analytical tools for managing their supply chains, information technologists who are responsible for developing and/or maintaining such tools, and consultants who conduct supply chain studies using models. Shapiro examines in detail the roles of data, models, and modeling systems in helping companies improve the management of their supply chains. The focus is on optimization models based on linear and mixed integer programming. The complementary role played by descriptive models in developing data inputs for optimization models is thoroughly reviewed. Using numerous applications, Shapiro clearly illustrates that when properly implemented, these methodologies can create accurate and comprehensive models of great practical value. The book also shows how competitive advantage in supply chain management can be most fully realized by developing and applying optimization modeling systems.
Modeling the Supply Chain (Duxbury Applied): ~ Modeling the Supply Chain (Duxbury Applied) / Shapiro, Jeremy F. / ISBN: 9780495126096 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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