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    Goodvertising: Creative Advertising that Cares

    Beschreibung Goodvertising: Creative Advertising that Cares. Can advertising be a force for good? How can a brand use advertising toearn the trust of an audience? Demonstrating a brand’s corporate conscienceor making audiences aware of its charitable or philanthropic activities is oneof the great creative challenges an advertising agency can be given.Here is a collection of outstanding and effective campaigns that communicatethe socially responsible nature of leading brands, products, and publicorganizations today. Deftly organized into ten chapters—Transparency,Connection, Simplicity, Collaboration, Passion, Creativity, Contagiousness,Generosity, Insight, and Full Commitment—it both inspires through greatwork and explains the principles involved.Over ninety campaigns in a full array of media channels are featured,and each is accompanied by a detailed commentary on the work. Includinginterviews and insights from leading advertising strategists, the book providesa comprehensive overview for professional advertising creatives, brandstrategists, or anyone who works with a brand that values truth, trust, andresponsibility.

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    Thomas Kolster: Goodvertising (Buch (gebunden ~ Thomas Kolster: Goodvertising - Creative Advertising that Cares. Illustrated in colour throughout. Sprache: Englisch. (Buch (gebunden)) - portofrei bei eBook

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