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    The Power of Why: Breaking Out in a Competitive Marketplace

    Beschreibung The Power of Why: Breaking Out in a Competitive Marketplace. Win and keep customers by speaking to what they want to buy instead of what you want to sell. The Power of Why shows readers how to elevate their business performance in today’s marketplace. As Weylman explains, customers don’t care if a business is different or that its products are unusual. Trumpeting achievements like “We were voted #1 again” or “Rated best service three years running” doesn’t engage buyers emotionally. It’s seller-centric thinking in a buyer-centric world. When customers decide where to buy, they have one thing in mind: Why should I do business with this company? Will it solve my problem, today? Buyers want to do business with companies willing to make a customer-centric promise of expected outcome: up-front, unconditional, and unqualified. This is not just a slogan; it’s the company’s DNA, consistently delivered through all parts of the organization. Think Tax Masters, whose promise—“We solve your tax problems”—couldn’t be more buyer-centric. And they deliver. With the same actionable, hands-on strategies Weylman has used to help companies of all sizes grow in the toughest conditions, The Power of Why is the new manual for business survival and growth.

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    The Power of Why: Breaking Out In a Competitive Marketplace ~ Start by marking “The Power of Why: Breaking Out In a Competitive Marketplace” as Want to Read: . Breaking Out In a Competitive Marketplace. Write a review. Nov 25, 2018 Jay rated it liked it · review of another edition. Shelves: audiobook, business. Simple, short book that says you need to meet customer's needs, not trumpet how good you are. This is motherhood and apple pie in terms of .

    The Power of Why : Breaking Out in a Competitive Marketplace ~ The Power of Why shows readers how to elevate their business performance in today's marketplace. As Weylman explains, customers don't care if a business is different or that its products are unusual. Trumpeting achievements like “We were voted #1 again” or “Rated best service three years running” doesn't engage buyers emotionally. It's .

    The Power of Why: Breaking Out in a Competitive ~ The Power of Why: Breaking Out in a Competitive Marketplace [Weylman, C. Richard] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Power of Why: Breaking Out in a Competitive Marketplace

    The Power Of Why - Richard Weylman ~ “The Power of Why is great reading and can be of use to all of those looking to come out on top.” – Donald J. Trump Chairman and President of the Trump Organization “The Power of Why takes you on a wonderful journey of discovery that leads to elevating your customer’s experiences while elevating your own business performance too.”

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