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    CRAVING THE FUTURE: Transforming Deep Desires (1, Band 2)

    Beschreibung CRAVING THE FUTURE: Transforming Deep Desires (1, Band 2). Craving the Futureprovides radically new perspectives and useful tools for anyone seeking to create a better future. Author and Innovation Executive Michael Perman provides insights from extensive research on how to transform our deepest desires into new, bold, innovative realities.Perman's research reveals fascinating new dimensions to the way culture shapes the concept of craving. Specifically, he has discovered that what people crave in their lives is changing from urgent demands for things like cigarettes, coffee, or even tacos, to more meaningful quests for new sensations and purpose.Craving the Futureoffers imaginative ideas, methodical tools, and inspiring profiles of innovation luminaries--all mindfully crafted to help you shape what is coming next for yourself or your organization. The book also features a unique design that makes it delightful to experience, easy to digest, and fun to share.

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