Beschreibung Sell Without Being Salesy: The power of relational networking. There is a way to promote your business without being forced into stressful sales formulas. You can increase sales and still be authentic to who you are. If you are tired of "selling yourself," if you don't know how to grow your business, if you're not sure how to consistently increase revenue, then this book will be your guide to doing all of that and--in your own natural way. In Sell Without Being Salesy, author and Fortune 500 executive coach Stephanie Wachman presents a practical guide for how to build your business by developing high-quality authentic relationships. She encourages professionals to abandon sales approaches that rely on manipulative, impersonal interactions. Instead, she reveals how to strengthen business relationships by being fully engaged in every conversation and relating well. "Our relational abilities will set us apart from our competition," says Wachman. "The key is knowing how to build relationships." By reading this book, you will learn how to: Grow and sustain a strong network of business relationships Prepare for and participate in networking events with the right mindset Avoid a financial roller coaster by consistently investing time in business development Engage and grow your practice by developing your dormant, current, and potential clients You don't have to sell anything. You just have to be yourself, be relational, and look for ways to help others.
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