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    Pierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a Label

    Beschreibung Pierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a Label. In 1990 Pierre Cardin celebrated the 40th anniversary of the opening of his Paris couture house. The son of impoverished Italian parents, he started his fashion career by sewing for Christian Dior and in the 1950s began to be recognized as one of the young men who would inherit the mantle of Chanel, Dior and Paquin. But as the wealthy clientele for high fashion dwindled, Cardin used the value of his reputation as a designer to move into new areas - menswear, ready-to-wear, fashion boutiques in department stores and the licensing of his name to other manufacturers. Cardin did not invent the designer label, but he exploited the idea to an formidable extent, putting his name on thousands of products, from frying pans to aeroplanes. This biography describes Cardin's flair for publicity, his relationships with Jeanne Moreau and with his employers and associates, his management style, his pioneering in countries like the USSR and China and his controversial acquisition of Maxim's.

    Buch Pierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a Label PDF ePub

    Pierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a Label by Richard C. Morais ~ Pierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a Label by. Richard C. Morais (Goodreads Author) 3.20 · Rating details · 5 ratings · 0 reviews Pierre Cardin is a phenomenon, a unique figure in both the fashion and the business worlds. The son of impoverished Italian parents who emigrated to France, he began his tailoring career in wartime Vichy and his fashion career by sewing for Paquin and Dior. In .

    Pierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a Label - Kindle edition ~ Pierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a Label - Kindle edition by Morais, Richard. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Pierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a Label.

    Pierre Cardin – Wikipedia ~ Pierre Cardin (* 2. Juli 1922 als Pietro Costante Cardin . Richard Morais: Pierre Cardin. The man who became a label. Bantam, London [u. a.], 1991, 264 S. Pierre Cardin: Pierre Cardin, Paris: past, present, future. Nishen, London; Berlin 1990, 191 S., überwiegend Ill. Siehe auch. Pierre Cardin Automotive. Weblinks. Pierre Cardin bei Google Arts & Culture; Offizielle Seite von Pierre Cardin .

    READbookPierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a ~ READbookPierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a LabelFREEBOOOKONLINE CLICK HERE http://bestpdfbook.club/?book=0593018001

    Richard C. Morais - Wikipedia ~ A Forbes cover story he wrote in 1986 about the Parisian fashion and business mogul, Pierre Cardin, led to a book contract with Bantam Press. Morais left Forbes in 1988 and moved with his wife to Paris to research the unauthorized biography, Pierre Cardin: The Man Who Became a Label, which was published in the U.K. in 1991. Morais returned to London after his book was published, to become .

    Pierre Cardin / MYER ~ Shop online for Pierre Cardin products and more. Discover the latest Pierre Cardin products online at Myer. Shop with Afterpay* Free Shipping On Purchases Over $49.

    Pierre Cardin - Wikipedia ~ Pierre Cardin (UK: / ˈ k ɑːr d æ̃,-d æ n /, US: / k ɑːr ˈ d æ̃,-ˈ d æ n /, French: [pjɛʁ kaʁdɛ̃]; born Pietro Costante Cardin on 2 July 1922) is an Italian-born naturalised-French fashion designer. He is known for his avant-garde style and his Space Age designs. He prefers geometric shapes and motifs, often ignoring the female form. [citation needed] He advanced into unisex .

    Pierre Cardin – Wikipédia ~ Pierre Cardin, eredeti nevén Pietro Cardini (San Biagio di Callalta, Olaszország, 1922. július 2. –) francia divattervező és divatháztulajdonos.

    Pierre Cardin – Wikipédia ~ Pierre Cardin, eredeti nevén Pietro Cardini (San Biagio di Callalta, Olaszország, 1922. július 2. –) francia divattervező és divatháztulajdonos. Pierre Cardin: Született : Pietro Costante Cardin 1922. július 2. (98 éves) San Biagio di Callalta: Állampolgársága: francia: Foglalkozása: divattervező; divattervező; üzletember; Tisztség: UNESCO jószolgálati nagykövet: Kitünte

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    BBC News - Pierre Cardin on banks and working at 89 ~ French fashion designer Pierre Cardin is the last survivor of the heyday of Parisian haute couture in the 50s and 60s and, at the age of 89, he still controls a worldwide business empire.

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