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    European Logistics 2e: Markets, Management and Strategy

    Beschreibung European Logistics 2e: Markets, Management and Strategy. Based on five years fieldwork it is a timely analysis of the current status of logistics and its future role in European business.

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    International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management ~ IJLSM addresses the development of logistics resources, emphasising the implications that logistics strategies and systems have on organisational productivity and competitiveness in global and electronic markets. Globalisation of markets and logistics services is closely related to the success of a company. This perspective indicates the importance of effective logistics systems and their .

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    Michael E. Porter – Wikipedia ~ Michael Eugene Porter (* 23.Mai 1947 in Ann Arbor, Michigan) ist ein US-amerikanischer Ökonom und Universitätsprofessor für Wirtschaftswissenschaft am Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness an der Harvard Business School.Er gilt als einer der führenden Managementtheoretiker. In mehreren Rankings wurde er zu einem der einflussreichsten Managementdenker gewählt.

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