Beschreibung Stories At Work: Unlock the Secret to Business Storytelling. Is there a way to send out impactful messages that people remember for days?Is there a way to influence people without pushing data and analysis on them?Is there an effective way to drive change in an organization?Yes, through stories.Storytelling in business is different from telling stories to friends in a bar. It needs to be based on facts. Stories at Work will teach you how to wrap your stories in context and deliver them in a way that grabs your audience's attention.The special tools, techniques and structures in this book will help you bring the power of stories into your day-to-day business communication. They will enable you to connect, engage and inspire, and ensure that everything you share has a lasting impression on your listeners.
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Stories At Work: Unlock The Secret To Business Storytelling ~ Stories At Work: Unlock The Secret To Business Storytelling The Smart Manager / November - December 2018. What’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,’ said Neil Armstrong on 20 July 1969. Indranil Chakraborty. Over the next few years, eleven other astronauts landed on the moon and got back to earth. Certainly no mean feat .
Stories at Work eBook by Indranil Chakraborty ~ Storytelling in business is different from telling stories to friends in a bar. It needs to be based on facts. Stories at Work will teach you how to wrap your stories in context and deliver them in a way that grabs your audience's attention. The special tools, techniques and structures in this book will help you bring the power of stories into your day-to-day business communication. They will .
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