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    Start Your Business in 7 Days: Turn Your Idea Into a Life-Changing Success

    Beschreibung Start Your Business in 7 Days: Turn Your Idea Into a Life-Changing Success. James Caan, author of Get the Job You Really Want and Britain's most dynamic entrepreneur, teaches you how to work for yourself in just one week in Start Your Business in 7 Days.Everybody wants to be an entrepreneur. Every single day of my life I am bombarded by people with pitches. But 90% of new businesses fail, because their founders failed to ask themselves the simplest of questions. I can save you years of wasted time and thousands of pounds of wasted money by giving you the ammunition to ask the right questions, and helping you make the decision that is right for you. I will show you how to spend a maximum of seven days deciding if your idea is workable and bankable. How to say 'I'm in', but equally importantly, to have the courage to say 'I'm out'. How to become your own Dragon.Each piece of advice in this book is based on my thirty years of starting businesses. You will find all the fundamental ingredients for any new company, whatever sector you want to be in, whatever size of business you have in mind, along with the tools to make it work. You can be one of the 10% of businesses that do make it.-James CaanJames Caan is one of the UK's most successful and dynamic entrepreneurs, having built and sold businesses since 1985. After dropping out of school at sixteen and starting his first business in a Pall Mall broom cupboard - armed with little more than charm and his father's advice - Caan went on to make his fortune in the recruitment industry, founding the Alexander Mann Group, a company with a turnover of £130m. A 2003 graduate of Harvard Business School, Caan's most recent endeavour has been to set up private equity firm Hamilton Bradshaw. Caan hit our screens when he joined the panel of the BBC's Dragons' Den in 2007. He is a regular in the national and business press, advises on various Government programmes, and initiates numerous philanthropic projects via the James Caan Foundation.

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    Start your business in 7 days : turn your idea into a life ~ Start your business in 7 days : turn your idea into a life-changing success. [James Caan] Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Find items in libraries near you. Advanced Search Find a Library. COVID-19 Resources. Reliable information .

    Start Your Business in 7 Days: Turn Your Idea Into a Life ~ Buy Start Your Business in 7 Days: Turn Your Idea Into a Life-Changing Success by Caan, James (ISBN: 9780670920648) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

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