Beschreibung The Rare Find: How Great Talent Stands Out. How do venture capitalists pick winners like Apple? How do the FBI's hostage rescue team find agents for the world's toughest job? How do Hollywood casting agents and major sports scouts size up the best talent? There's a huge difference between the very best performers and everyone else; in terms of productivity there's a five-to-one gap. No one can afford to settle for mediocrity. So how do talent scouts in every field identify genius and put it to work? Talking to the world's best, most secretive talent scouts, George Anders found that they all share an intense belief in finding high achievers who can create big successes. These are the arenas where brilliant recruiting is most vital - and in The Rare Find Anders reveals how the rest of us can learn the hidden 'tells' that really matter. Pairing these frontline observations with cutting-edge research from psychiatrists, economists, recruiters and business strategists, Anders shows how anyone can hone the ability to recognize future greatness and discover tomorrow's stars.
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