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    Growth and Distribution: Second Edition

    Beschreibung Growth and Distribution: Second Edition. A major revision of an established textbook on the theory, measurement, and history of economic growth, with new material on climate change, corporate capitalism, and innovation.Authors Duncan Foley, Thomas Michl, and Daniele Tavani present Classical and Keynesian approaches to growth theory, in parallel with Neoclassical ones, and introduce students to advanced tools of intertemporal economic analysis through carefully developed treatments of land- and resource-limited growth. They cover corporate finance, the impact of government debt and social security systems, theories of endogenous technical change, and the implications of climate change. Without excessive formal complication, the models emphasize rigorous reasoning from basic economic principles and insights, and respond to students’ interest in the history and policy dilemmas of real-world economies.In addition to carefully worked out examples showing how to use the analytical techniques presented, Growth and Distribution presents many problems suitable for inclusion in problem sets and examinations. Detailed answers to these problems are available. This second edition includes fresh data throughout and new chapters on climate change, corporate capitalism, models of wealth inequality, and technical change.

    Buch Growth and Distribution: Second Edition PDF ePub

    : Growth and Distribution: Second Edition eBook ~ Growth and Distribution: Second Edition - Kindle edition by Foley, Duncan K.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Growth and Distribution: Second Edition.

    Growth and Distribution : Second Edition. (eBook, 2019 ~ Get this from a library! Growth and Distribution : Second Edition.. [Duncan K Foley] -- Authors Foley, Michl, and Tavani offer a major revision of an established textbook on the theory, measurement, and history of economic growth, with new material on climate change, corporate .

    Growth and Distribution: Second Edition: 9780674986428 ~ “Growth and Distribution offers an excellent introduction to the study of economic growth and income distribution in capitalist economies from a classical-Marxian perspective. The text is theoretically sophisticated, empirically informed, and institutionally grounded. The analytical framework developed in the first edition has been adapted and extended in the second, to address new .

    Growth and Distribution — Duncan K. Foley, Thomas R. Michl ~ In addition to carefully worked out examples showing how to use the analytical techniques presented, Growth and Distribution presents many problems suitable for inclusion in problem sets and examinations. Detailed answers to these problems are available. This second edition includes fresh data throughout and new chapters on climate change, corporate capitalism, models of wealth inequality, and .

    Growth and Distribution: Foley, Duncan K., Michl, Thomas R ~ Growth and Distribution is the first text designed to support a comprehensive advanced undergraduate or graduate course on the theory, measurement, and history of economic growth. The book, which presents Classical and Keynesian in parallel with Neoclassical approaches to growth theory, introduces students to advanced tools of intertemporal economic analysis through carefully developed .

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