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    Advice from a Call Center Geek: Rethinking Call Center Operations

    Beschreibung Advice from a Call Center Geek: Rethinking Call Center Operations. "Advice from a Call Center Geek: Rethinking Call Center Operations is a field manual for the 21st century contact center. Practical, poignant, and funny, Tom dishes out amazing real-world advice that has made his organization successful. From culture to education to incentives, Tom addresses the key areas to make your contact center world-class!"Paul HerdmanHead of Customer ExperienceNICE inContactAdvice From a Call Center Geek takes a look at a new way of running today's high end contact center. Tom Laird, the CEO of award winning Expivia Interaction Marketing, 600 seat BPO call center guides you through the process of developing a world class operation.This book will take you through the process of evaluating and changing your call center's culture, how to look beyond a resume to hire the "right" associates and show you how to educate for quality while maintaining high level management. Advice from a Call Center Geek will make you rethink how the call center manager of today should be looking at running their call center.

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