Beschreibung The Sales Advantage: How to Get It, Keep It, and Sell More Than Ever. Now, for the first time ever, the time-tested, proven techniques perfected by the world-famous Dale Carnegie® sales training program are available in book form. The two crucial questions most often asked by salespeople are: "How can I close more sales?" and "What can I do to reduce objections?" The answer to both questions is the same: You learn to sell from a buyer's point of view. Global markets, increased technology, information overload, corporate mergers, and complex products and services have combined to make the buying/selling process more complicated than ever. Salespeople must understand and balance these factors to survive amid a broad spectrum of competition. Moreover, a lot of what the typical old-time salesperson did as recently as ten years ago is now done by e-commerce. The new sales professional has to capture and maintain customers by taking a consultative approach and learning to unearth the four pieces of information critical to buyers, none of which e-commerce alone can yield. The Sales Advantage will enable any salesperson to develop long-term customer relationships and help make those customers more successful—a key competitive advantage. The book includes specific advice for each stage of the eleven-stage selling process, such as: • How to find prospects from both existing and new accounts • The importance of doing research before approaching potential customers • How to determine customers' needs, such as their primary interest (what they want), buying criteria (requirements of the sale), and dominant buying motive (why they want it) • How to reach the decision makers • How to sell beyond questions of price The cutting-edge sales techniques in this book are based on interviews accumulated from the sales experiences of professionals in North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. This book, containing more than one hundred examples from successful salespeople representing a wide variety of products and services from around the world, provides practical advice in each chapter to turn real-world challenges into new opportunities. The Sales Advantage is a proven, logical, step-by-step guide from the most recognized name in sales training. It will create mutually beneficial results for salespeople and customers alike.
The Sales Advantage: How to Get It, Keep It, and Sell More ~ 2) You keep the advantage by committing to practicing the use of the tools, day in and day out, until they become second nature. 3) You sell more than ever by having the right attitude about selling, by building customer-focused relationships, and by looking for ways to get out of your comfort zone and try something different.
The Sales advantage : how to get it, keep it, and sell ~ The Sales advantage : how to get it, keep it, and sell more than ever Discusses ways in which salespeople make their way in the new era of increased technology, corporate mergers, and higher levels of complexity, covering: how to find prospects from existing and new accounts; the importance of research before approaching potential customers; how to determine the customer's needs, such as .
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The Expansion Sale: Four Must-Win Conversations to Keep ~ The book also includes more illustrations than I've ever seen in a business book before, most of which are fairly useful to illustrate the points being made and highlight the research behind the information. Personally, it's got me thinking a lot more about when and how to press my incumbent advantage with customers, vs. when to get them thinking about evolving to our newer products or when to .
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