Beschreibung The Transport Manager's and Operator's Handbook 2008. "Whether you are a driver, transport manager, operator or anyone involved in the transport industry you'll find this 752-page guide invaluable." Commercial Motor The Transport Manager's & Operator's Handbook gives you all the legal, operational and environmental information you need to keep your vehicle fleet running efficiently and within the law. Published annually to keep you up to date with key legal developments, it gives you easy access to vital information that would otherwise be difficult (and expensive) to find. Most operators within the industry use the Transport Manager's & Operator's Handbook - and for good reason. Within its pages you will find all you need to know on managing a commercial vehicle fleet of any size. It covers everything from goods vehicle operator licensing and professional competence to road traffic and employment law and international haulage. In one handy volume, it provides everything you need to help you run your transport operations legally and efficiently. The NEW fully-updated 2008 edition incorporates new legislation and information on forthcoming changes that you need to know and prepare for, including: * New driving hours rules effective since 11 April 2007 * New requirements regarding production of records effective since 1 May 2006 and further changes from 1 January 2008 * London 'Low Emission Zone' (LEZ) for lorries from February 2008 * Latest information on the Compulsory Training Directive (i.e. Driver CPC) * New appendices showing maximum vehicle weights and dimensions in Europe * Re-introduction of the Reduced Pollution Certificate - and road tax savings - for Euro V-engined heavy trucks * ADR 2007 provisions in force from 1 July 2007 * RHA exposure of flaws in digital tachograph recordings * Theory tests for drivers - increase in numbers of questions to be answered * Latest information on the progress of "Corporate Manslaughter" legislation * New rules on the use of red (i.e. duty free) diesel in road vehicles * Provisions of the new Road Safety Act 2006 * New Road Transport Bill provisions on road pricing * New fees for vehicle registration and driver licensing * New fees for goods vehicle testing, re-testing and 'O' licensing * Current provisions on Maternity pay and leave * The use of Bio-ethanol fuel for greener and more efficient combustion, including an assessment of long term consequences If you are a transport manager, fleet operator, owner-driver haulier, or student taking transport examinations, then the Transport Manager's & Operator's Handbook 2008 will prove to be an essential - and up to date - asset in your understanding of the legal and commercial responsibilities likely to be encountered day-to-day.
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