Beschreibung Green Logistics: Improving The Environmental Sustainability Of Logistics. As concern for the environment rises, companies must take more account of the external costs of logistics associated mainly with climate change, air pollution, noise, vibration and accidents. Green Logistics analyzes the environmental consequences of logistics and how to deal with them. Speaking to company managers and policy makers around the world, McKinnon and his co-editors compile 17 contributions from leading experts that examine the environmental consequences of the logistics relating to the transportation, storage, and handling of products as they move from source to sale. The focus is achieving a more sustainable balance between economic, environmental, and social objectives. It examines key areas in this important subject including: -carbon auditing of supply chains -transferring freight to greener transport modes -reducing the environmental impact of warehousing -improving fuel efficiency in freight transportation-making city logistics more environmentally sustainable -reverse logistics for the management of waste -the role of the government in promoting sustainable logistics The second edition adds new case studies and has been fully updated with new content on freight transportation, warehousing, vehicle utilization and the impact of ecommerce.
Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental ~ Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics / McKinnon, Alan, Browne, Michael, Whiteing, Anthony, Piecyk, Maja / ISBN: 9780749471859 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch . Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu .
(PDF) Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental ~ Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics
eBook < Green Logistics Improving the Environmental ~ Green Logistics Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics By - Kogan Page. Paperback. Condition: New. 384 pages. Dimensions: 0.0in. x 0.0in. x 0.0in.As concern for the environment rises, companies are taking more account of the external costs of logistics-specifically those costs associated with climate change, air pollution .
Download Green Logistics Improving The Environmental ~ Green_Logistics_Improving_The_Environmental_Sustainability_Of_Logistics 1/5 PDF Drive - Search and download PDF files for free. Green Logistics Improving The Environmental Sustainability Of Logistics Green Logistics Improving The Environmental If you ally habit such a referred Green Logistics Improving The Environmental Sustainability Of Logistics books that will offer you worth, get the .
Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental ~ Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics. Editors: McKinnon, Alan, Browne, Michael and Whiteing, Anthony, Publication Year: 2013 Publisher: Kogan Page. ISBN: 978-0-74-946626-8 Category: Business, Finance & Economics - Business Image Count: 54 Book Status: Pending Predicted Release .
(PDF) Green Logistics for sustainable development: an ~ From the sustainable development point of view, green logistics can be defined as, "producing and distributing goods in a sustainable way, taking account of environmental and social factors .
(PDF) GREEN LOGISTICS FOR SUSTAINABILITY ~ Environmental sustainability, . green logistics helps improve a business’ commercial performance along . with its environmental image, and provide for more ef cient uses of resources, while .
Green Logistics und Nachhaltigkeit / Orgaplan Logistik ~ Green Logistics, also Grüne Logistik, . Banken oder Anteilseigner erhöhen den Druck auf Logistik Unternehmen, bis hin zu Börsensegmenten wie dem Dow Jones Sustainability Index, in dem Unternehmen im Hinblick auf ökologische Kriterien und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften bewertet werden. Die Logistikunternehmen selbst entwickeln eine Eigenmotivation, sich mit Green Logistics ernsthaft .
Green Logistics / The Geography of Transport Systems ~ Green logistics remains an indirect outcome of policies and strategies aimed at improving the cost, efficiency, and reliability of supply chains. A key aspect of more environmentally friendly freight distribution systems concerns city logistics where the “last mile” in freight distribution takes place as well as a large share of reverse logistics activities. Still, even in this context .
5 Improvements from Logistics Sustainability ~ Instead, a sustainable solution in the transportation industry focuses on improving individual operations and movements to increase the efficiency of transportation. Obviously, a shipper cannot actually control everything, but it can control how its companies’ products make it from location to location. Let’s take a look at how logistics sustainability lowers a company’s carbon footprint .
[Download] Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental ~ [Download] Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics Kindle Free
Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental ~ Green Logistics analyzes the environmental consequences of logistics and how to redress them. Written by a leading team of logistics academics, the book examines ways of reducing these impacts and achieving a more sustainable balance among economic, environmental, and social objectives. It examines key areas in this important subject including:
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF - GREEN LOGISTICS EXPO ~ The logistics community meets with business leaders. Green Logistics Expo is an international event for business, marketing, culture, study, exhibition and an exchange of views on the most advanced themes involving the logistics chain and its interactions with environmental, economic and social sustainability. A B2B exhibition with the leaders in intermodal rail and freight transport .
MIT Sustainable Logistics Initiative - Building ~ More Sustainable Research at MIT CTL. The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics has several Sustainable initiatives that aim to connect research outcomes to practical settings, enabling companies and stakeholders to leverage supply chains as a beneficial force to reaching sustainable development goals.
Green Logistics - Logistics Operational Guide (LOG ~ Green or sustainable logistics is concerned with reducing environmental and other negative impacts associated with the movement and distribution of supplies. Green supply chains seek to reduce negative environmental impact by redesigning sourcing/distribution systems and managing reverse logistics to eliminate inefficiencies. For example, logistics deals with packaging of materials. Packaging .
Global Aviation and Our Sustainable Future ~ challenges as we transition to a green economy. Sustainable alternative fuels represent one of the most promising win-win-win solutions for aviation’s future. Availability of these fuels must be guaranteed through policies that incentivise their development and their deployment. 5. Increasing the price of air transport should not be considered as a means to achieve sustainability. The sector .
Sustainability / DHL / Global ~ Clearly, sustainability is much more than environmental protection or volunteering. It is about creating long-term value for business and society. At Deutsche Post DHL Group, we take this commitment very seriously. That is why sustainability is now part of our mission, which we want to fulfill by becoming Employer, Provider, and Investment of Choice – in a sustainable way.
Grüne Logistik – Wikipedia ~ Grüne Logistik ist ein bisher noch nicht ausreichend definierter Begriff, mit dem die ganzheitliche Transformation von Logistik-Strategien, -Strukturen, -Prozessen und -Systemen in Unternehmen und Unternehmensnetzwerken zur Schaffung umweltgerechter und ressourceneffizienter Logistikprozesse. Sie verfolgt das Ziel, in logistischen Prozessen einerseits schädliche Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt .
Green Logistics & Our Sustainability Efforts / DHL ~ While we minimize our own environmental footprint, we are also developing sustainable logistics solutions to make supply chains greener and help our customers achieve their sustainability goals. Our efforts to "live sustainability" include working together with our people and in our communities to provide a safe, inclusive, and engaging working environment and foster a culture of volunteerism.