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    E-Logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage

    Beschreibung E-Logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage. "E-logistics" is the electronization of the logistics process.  It can result in faster shipping times, better customer service, and streamlined information within and between supply chain management companies. Edited by Yangli Wang and Steve Pettit, chapter contributors to E-Logistics cover:-Why e-logistics is so important in effective supply chain management-The definition of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) infrastructure and its components in air freight management, rail freight management, and port management and shipping-B2C and B2B e-commerce and e-fulfillment-E-logistics security, ethical, and legal issues-E-logistics development in different sectors such as food, construction, fashion, telecommunications, and healthcare-Launching a successful e-logistics business model-The future of e-logistics and emerging technologies

    Buch E-Logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage PDF ePub

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    E-Logistics (eBook, ePUB) - Portofrei bei bĂŒcher ~ E-Logistics (eBook, ePUB) Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage Redaktion: Pettit, Stephen; Wang, Yingli

    E-Logistics eBook von – 9780749472672 / Rakuten Kobo ~ In E-Logistics international experts from both academia and industry examine how competitiveness and productivity in transport, logistics and supply chain management can be improved using e-logistics systems and technologies. A variety of successful e-logistics business approaches are discussed covering a range of commercial sectors and transport modes. Separate chapters consider e-logistics .

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    E-Logistics - Kogan Page ~ E-Logistics Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage . Yingli Wang Stephen Pettit. Understand the strategic role of e-logistics in managing information and information flows within and between organisations in today's dynamic global environment. Key features at a glance. Examines the strategic role of e-logistics in managing information and information flows within and .

    E Logistics Managing Your Digital Supply Chains For ~ Advantage #, e logistics managing your digital supply chains for competitive advantage edited by yingli wang and stephen pettit confirms for me a theory that i have increasingly held true that every function in the modern competitive enterprise is more about the flow usage and capture of information

    E-Logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for ~ e-Logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage, edited by Yingli Wang and Stephen Pettit, confirms for me a theory that I have increasingly held true: that every function in the modern competitive enterprise is more about the flow, usage, and capture of information than any other specialized capability. The editors of this book, as well as their team of contributing .

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    E-logistics : managing your digital supply chains for ~ Get this from a library! E-logistics : managing your digital supply chains for competitive advantage. [Yingli Wang, (Of Cardiff Business School);] -- ""E-logistics" is the electronization of the logistics process. It can result in faster shipping times, better customer service, and streamlined information within and between supply chain management .

    : Customer reviews: E-Logistics: Managing Your ~ e-Logistics: Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage, edited by Yingli Wang and Stephen Pettit, confirms for me a theory that I have increasingly held true: that every function in the modern competitive enterprise is more about the flow, usage, and capture of information than any other specialized capability.

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    E-Logistics eBook door - 9780749472672 / Rakuten Kobo ~ In E-Logistics international experts from both academia and industry examine how competitiveness and productivity in transport, logistics and supply chain management can be improved using e-logistics systems and technologies. A variety of successful e-logistics business approaches are discussed covering a range of commercial sectors and transport modes. Separate chapters consider e-logistics .

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