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    Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    Beschreibung Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management is the essential guide to the principles and practices of sustainable logistics operations and the responsible management of the entire supply chain. Based on extensive research by experts in the field, this comprehensive book covers the whole scope of sustainable logistics. The book provides carefully reviewed research-led applications and case studies that have been especially developed for this revised edition with particular attention for use in a teaching context. The mini case studies are highly topical, relating the theoretical concepts to practice and what is actually happening 'on the ground'. Examining the subject in an integrated manner, this book examines all the key areas in sustainable logistics and supply chain management, including: sustainable product design and packaging; sustainable purchasing and procurement; cleaner production; environmental impact of freight transport; sustainable warehousing and storage; sustainable supply management; reverse logistics and recycling; supply chain management strategy, and much more. The book provides an excellent insight into the topic that will help managers, students, and scholars grasp the fundamentals of green supply and logistics management.This revised edition of Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management includes valuable supporting online materials, including PPT presentations, chapter summaries, learning objectives, tips for teaching and in class activities.

    Buch Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management PDF ePub

    Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management Buch ~ Bücher bei Weltbild: Jetzt Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management von David B. Grant versandkostenfrei bestellen bei Weltbild, Ihrem Bücher-Spezialisten!

    Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management ~ Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management is the essential guide to the principles and practices of sustainable logistics operations. Based on extensive research, this book covers the whole scope of sustainable logistics. The case studies, with particular attention for use in a teaching context, relate the theoretical concepts to practice and what is happening 'on the ground'.

    Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Grant ~ Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management / Grant, David B., Trautrims, Alexander, Wong, Chee Yew / ISBN: 9780749473860 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management - bücher ~ Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management is a highly accessible guide to sustainable supply chain management. It provides an excellent insight into the topic that will help managers, students, and scholars grasp the fundamentals of green supply and logistics management. A vital teaching resource for courses on sustainable logistics, this revised edition includes valuable supporting .

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    Sustainability in Logistics and Supply Chain Management ~ Sustainability in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), 21) New Designs and Strategies Christian M. Ringle, Thorsten Blecker, Wolfgang Kersten

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    Logistics & Supply Chain Management - Christopher, Martin ~ The winning approach to supply chains is an integrated perspective that takes account of networks of relationships, sustainability and product design, as well as the logistics of procurement, distribution and fulfilment. Logistics & Supply Chain Management provides you with the core tools, processes and initiatives you need to stay one step ahead.

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    Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management ~ Buy Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Principles and Practices for Sustainable Operations and Management 1 by David B. Grant, Alexander Trautrims, Chee Yew Wong (ISBN: 9780749468668) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    Sustainable Supply Chains / Center for Transportation and ~ Sustainable supply chain management. Supply chain sustainability is now a business imperative fueled by the demands and requirements of consumers, governments, investors, and third parties. Investors and consumers are requiring increasingly robust social and environmental action from organizations. To better understand and support these changes, researchers at the MIT Center for Transportation .

    Lehrbücher für das Supply-Chain-Management / BVL Blog ~ Es gibt unzählige Bücher zum Thema „Supply-Chain-Management“. Da fällt es durchaus schwer, zwischen Spreu und Weizen zu trennen. Heute möchte ich die Aufmerksamkeit auf zwei aus meiner Sicht herausragende neue Lehrbücher lenken. Das erste Buch – verfasst von Michael Eßig, Erik Hofmann und Wolfgang Stölzle – heißt schlicht Supply Chain .

    MIT Sustainable Logistics Initiative - Building ~ More Sustainable Research at MIT CTL. The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics has several Sustainable initiatives that aim to connect research outcomes to practical settings, enabling companies and stakeholders to leverage supply chains as a beneficial force to reaching sustainable development goals.

    Supply Chain Management - Grundlagen, Strategien ~ Hartmut Werner beschreibt in diesem Buch zunächst die Grundlagen des Supply Chain Managements sowie die Strategien zeitgemäßer Wertschöpfungsketten. Auf dieser Basis werden Instrumente vorgestellt, die einer Umsetzung der zuvor diskutierten Strategien dienen. Diese Überlegungen münden in ein Controlling der Supply Chain. Das Buch ist sehr anwendungsorientiert konzipiert und stützt sich .

    MSc Logistics with Green and Sustainable Supply Chain ~ MSc Logistics with Green and Sustainable Supply Chain Management is a Specialist MSc programme led by academics at the Edinburgh Business School. As a Specialist MSc, this degree gives those who have worked in the field or studied a similar subject previously, the chance to expand, refine and enhance their knowledge.

    Sustainable Supply Chain Management - Logistics and Supply ~ During the course we will also have a look how to incorporate sustainability concepts into decision models in the context of supply chain management, especially location decisions and routing decisions. Students will moreover discuss current issues (like humanitarian supply chain topics, corporate social responsibility issues etc.) in sustainable supply chain management based on recent journal .

    Logistik vs. Supply Chain Management - GRIN ~ Logistik vs. Supply Chain Management - BWL / Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik - Hausarbeit 2009 - ebook 8,99 € - GRIN

    Sustainable Supply Chain Management - GRIN ~ Sustainable Supply Chain Management Untertitel Vergleich emissionsarmer Antriebstechniken für die urbane Versorgung Hochschule SRH Fachhochschule Hamm Note 1,0 Autoren Max Felix Mittelmaier (Autor) Julian Bröer (Autor) Robbert Kokkeel (Autor) Jahr 2011 Seiten 64 Katalognummer V165145 ISBN (eBook) 9783640807611 ISBN (Buch) 9783640807475 Dateigröße 3969 KB Sprache Deutsch Schlagworte .

    Logistik-Bilanz Buch von Andreas Froschmayer ~ Bücher bei Weltbild: Jetzt Logistik-Bilanz von Andreas Froschmayer versandkostenfrei online kaufen bei Weltbild, Ihrem Bücher-Spezialisten!

    MIT Sustainable Supply Chains - Building Sustainable ~ The MIT Sustainable Supply Chains was launched in 2018 as an umbrella program that brings together our sustainability research, education, and outreach. Our goal is to connect research outcomes to practical settings, enabling companies and stakeholders to leverage supply chains as a beneficial force to reaching global sustainable development goals. We seek to improve the visibility of supply .

    Was ist Supply Chain Management? Definition - MM Logistik ~ “Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities. Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third party service providers, and customers. In essence, supply chain management integrates .

    Bausteine des Logistikmanagements (eBook, ePUB) - bücher ~ Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management (eBook, ePUB) 26,09 € Olaf H. Bode. Beschaffung, Produktion, Marketing (eBook, ePUB) 23,99 € Richard Lloyd. Successful Integrated Planning for the Supply Chain (eBook, ePUB) 31,02 € Jonathan O'Brien. Category Management in Purchasing (eBook, ePUB) 38,81 € Gwynne Richards. The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit (eBook, ePUB) 34,59 € Ed .

    Grüne Logistik – Wikipedia ~ Grüne Logistik ist ein bisher noch nicht ausreichend definierter Begriff, mit dem die ganzheitliche Transformation von Logistik-Strategien, -Strukturen, -Prozessen und -Systemen in Unternehmen und Unternehmensnetzwerken zur Schaffung umweltgerechter und ressourceneffizienter Logistikprozesse. Sie verfolgt das Ziel, in logistischen Prozessen einerseits schädliche Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt .