Beschreibung Marketing with Strategic Empathy: Inspiring Strategy with Deeper Consumer Insight. The current focus in many Fortune 500 companies is on consumer insights, where strategists develop deep consumer insight or empathyas a basis for flexible strategy formation. Strategic Empathy, therefore, is not a soft skill, but can be a powerful force for success.At the core of the Strategic Empathy process is immersive and experiential learning, also known as Strategic Learning, leading to a deep understanding about the functional, emotional, and cultural drivers behind consumers' thoughts, feelings, and actions. Marketing With Strategic Empathy explains how to:-design and implement Strategic Learning Journeys-implementing specific learning methods, including techniques to uncover unconscious emotions, ethnographic observation, online research, semiotic analysis, and trends analysis-empowering managers with team-based skills for activating learning-developing video and multimedia story telling skills for communicating Strategic Learning and other strategies to stakeholdersThe book also provides proven skills, processes, leadership methods, how-to guidance, and global case studies to help companies implement Strategic Empathy within their organization.
Marketing with Strategie Empathy Inspiring strategy with ~ Inspiring strategy with deeper consumer insight Ciaire Brooks KoganPage . CONTENTS List ofcase studies and detailed examples ix List offigures and tables xii About the author xiii Preface xiv Acknowledgements xv List of abbreviations xvi 01 Why marketing strategists need empathy l Introduction: the case for Strategie Empathy® 1 How do organizations really develop marketing strategy? 4 .
Marketing with strategic empathy : inspiring strategy with ~ Every strategist, in turn, needs to develop deep consumer insight - or empathy - as a basis for flexible strategy formation. This book offers a practical guide on how to develop and implement a systematic process of strategic empathy to lead to greater effectiveness and day-to-day success. Marketing With Strategic Empathy is written by Claire Brooks, the CEO of the global consulting firm where .
Marketing with Strategic Empathy: Inspiring Strategy with ~ "The best part of Marketing With Strategic Empathy is the recognition that there is a deeper insight into the marketing process. The influences that drive a person to make a purchase do not easily fit into a marketing funnel or data chart and should be recognized. That is a hard thing for many marketers to understand, especially in this age where the pressure is to go even more technical.
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Marketing with Strategic Empathy - Kogan Page ~ Marketing with Strategic Empathy Inspiring Strategy with Deeper Consumer Insight. Claire Brooks. Empower teams to engage together in immersive 'strategic learning' about consumers, and use this learning to create a blueprint for flexible marketing planning. Key features at a glance. Contains case studies from global corporations that have successfully incorporated the strategic empathy .
Marketing with Strategic Empathy®: Inspiring Marketing Strategy with deeper Consumer Insight ~ It explores changing approaches to marketing strategy activation in global corporations, from Strategic Planning to Strategic learning. Introduces the Strategic Empathy® Process, and explains why .
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[Pub.04] Download More Great Books Like Marketing with ~ [Pub.68XME] Free Download More Great Books: Marketing with Strategic Empathy: Inspiring Strategy with Deeper Consumer Insight PDF by Claire Brooks : Marketing with Strategic Empathy: Inspiring Strategy with Deeper Consumer Insight ISBN : #0749477547 / Date : 2016-08-28 Description : PDF-428f1 / The current focus in many Fortune 500 companies is on consumer insights, where strategists develop .
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