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    Native Advertising: The Essential Guide

    Beschreibung Native Advertising: The Essential Guide. Native advertising: paid-for media that looks and behaves like the content around it. It affects us all. If you own a smartphone, use social media or read content online, you will have been exposed to it - often without realizing. Influenced by digital trends such as mobile advertising, programmatic advertising, ad-blocking, fake news and artificial intelligence, native advertising is a multibillion-dollar industry. It is central to the digital success of many leading brands and companies.This comprehensive study by one of the industry's foremost authorities explores the rise of this exhilarating new channel - its impact on the digital media space, and what marketers and businesses need to know about it. This book explores the future of digital advertising and explains why its growth is inevitable, using real-life examples and interviews from marketing leaders around the world and a range of case studies including The New York Times and The Independent.Native Advertising goes beyond sponsored posts on Facebook, promoted tweets and BuzzFeed branded articles. It looks at the heart of the matter: audience, budget, content and success measurement. It is full of first-hand advice for any marketer wanting to make the most of digital innovation.

    Buch Native Advertising: The Essential Guide PDF ePub

    Native Advertising: The Essential Guide - Lovell, Dale ~ Native Advertising: The Essential Guide / Lovell, Dale / ISBN: 9780749481162 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Native Advertising: The Essential Guide - Dale Lovell ~ Native advertising: paid-for media that looks and behaves like the content around it. It affects us all. If you own a smartphone, use social media or read content online, you will have been exposed to it - often without realizing. Influenced by digital trends such as mobile advertising, programmatic advertising, ad-blocking, fake news and artificial intelligence, native advertising is a .

    Native Advertising: The Essential Guide: Lovell, Dale ~ Native advertising is an advertising form that you have seen but possibly haven’t realised what it is. Essentially it is a form of paid media and the advertising ‘experience’ or content is designed to blend in and follow the media being consumed. Sneaky advertising, some call it. Whatever your view, it is a massive industry and this book sets out to be an indispensable guide and update .

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