Beschreibung Mastering the Supply Chain: Principles, Practice and Real-Life Applications. Mastering the Supply Chain is an introduction to supply chain management. The book integrates theory with practice and aims to create a cross-functional mindset in students and practitioners. It provides a wide overview of relevant supply chain concepts and sets out the challenges that need to be overcome in order to find practical ways of implementing these in a real company situation. Readers are continuously asked to actively reflect on the choices they make, thus experiencing first-hand the many challenges that good and effective supply chain management presents. Mastering the Supply Chain presents a different way of learning that puts the reader at the heart of a life-like situation, so that they experience the impact of every decision they make, not just in their own 'silo' but across the business. In this way, they will learn that many supply chain concepts are relatively simple to understand, but not so easy to apply in reality. Chapter 6 helps students to pull everything they've learned together and see how the concepts play out in the real world by guiding them through an interactive demonstration of the online business simulation game The Fresh Connection (free access is included with the book). This is a key text for students on supply chain management BScs and MScs as well as background reading for students playing the full version of The Fresh Connection Business Simulation game.
Mastering the Supply Chain von Ed Weenk - englisches Buch ~ Mastering the Supply Chain. Principles, Practice and Real-Life Applications. Leseprobe -11%. Bisher 34,99 âŹ** 30,99 ⏠versandkostenfrei * inkl. MwSt. **FrĂźherer Preis. In den Warenkorb. Sofort lieferbar. Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands. 15 °P sammeln. Ed Weenk Mastering the Supply Chain. Principles, Practice and Real-Life Applications. Broschiertes Buch. Jetzt bewerten Jetzt .
Mastering the Supply Chain: Principles, Practice and Real ~ "Mastering the Supply Chain is an excellent book that not only covers the understanding of core supply chain management principles but adds a guided approach to mastering them. The key learning and one of the important distinguishing factors are the hands-on learning using 'The Fresh Connection' game.
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Byblyo - Mastering the Supply Chain: Principles, Practice ~ Mastering the Supply Chain is an introduction to supply chain management. The book integrates theory with practice and aims to create a cross-functional mindset in students and practitioners. It provides a wide overview of relevant supply chain concepts and sets out the challenges that need to be overcome in order to find practical ways of implementing these in a real company situation .
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Mastering the Supply Chain : Principles, Practice and Real ~ Mastering the Supply Chain : Principles, Practice and Real-Life Applications, Paperback by Weenk, Ed, ISBN 0749484489, ISBN-13 9780749484484, Brand New, Free shipping in the US Learn about supply chain management and its many challenges, with this introductory book which puts readers at the heart of a life-like, real company situation.
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Mastering the Supply Chain - Kogan Page ~ Mastering the Supply Chain Principles, Practice and Real-Life Applications. Ed Weenk . Learn about supply chain management and its many challenges, with this introductory book which puts readers at the heart of a life-like, real company situation. Key features at a glance. Establish a holistic view of the many complex, real-life scenarios that supply chain managers face, in the context of a .
Supply Chain Management: Principles, Examples & Templates ~ A supply chain is a collection of suppliers required to create one specific product for a company. The chain is made up of nodes or âlinks,â which can include multiple manufacturers for parts, then the completed product, then the warehouse where it is stored, then its distribution centers, and finally, the store where a consumer can purchase it.
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Supply Chain Management - Gartner ~ Supply chain strategic plans that are based on detailed, function-specific, bottom-up analysis are time-consuming and often lose sight of the overall supply chain strategic ambition. Instead, use a disciplined framework to collaborate with key stakeholders across functions on end-to-end supply chain strategy development.
What is supply chain analytics / IBM ~ The supply chain is the most obvious face of the business for customers and consumers. The better a company can perform supply chain analytics, the better it protects its business reputation and long-term sustainability. In The Thinking Supply Chain, IDCâs Simon Ellis identifies the five âCsâ of the effective supply chain analytics of the future: Key features of effective supply chain .
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Supply Chain Planning / Oracle ~ Applications; Supply Chain Management; Oracle Supply Chain Planning . Get better results faster by planning your supply chain end-to-end in the Cloud. Effortlessly combine demand insights, supply constraints, and stakeholder input, and apply built-in machine learning to improve profitability while accelerating customer service. Take a tour of Supply Chain Planning. Explore how you can achieve .
Which is The Best Supply Chain Management Book? Top 7 list. ~ 2. Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Financial Times Series) Author: Prof Martin Christopher (2011) When I started working in the supply chain field, I knew the basics and a lot of theory associated with the concepts of Supply Chain Management (SCM) but I just didnât feel as well equipped as I felt I should practically having joined a large corporation.
MASTERâS DEGREE THESIS Management of the Supply Chain ~ MASTERâS DEGREE THESIS Management of the Supply Chain â Case of Danfoss District Heating Business Area Ljubljana, February 2006 EVA KLEMEN ÄIÄ. Author's STATEMENT I Eva Klemen ÄiÄ hereby certify to be the author of this Masterâs thesis that was written under the mentorship of Prof. Rudi Rozman and in compliance with the Act of Authors' and Related Rights â Para. 1, Article 21. I he
Digital Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software Solutions / SAP ~ Stay resilient in times of supply chain disruption. Enable your company to thrive by anticipating and preparing for disruptions with supply chain management software from SAP, an integrated portfolio that includes predictive analytics, automation, and IoT with industry expertise to execute and act.
PURCHASING AND SUPPLY - MIM ~ Chapter 18 Supply Chain Information Systems and Electronic Sourcing 665 Chapter 19 Performance Measurement and Evaluation 705 S N L E4575-Monczka_Fm_Rev1 6/13/08 12:43:38am 4 of 30 cyan = PMS3292 iv. Part 6 Future Directions 741 Chapter 20 Purchasing and Supply Strategy Trends 742 Cases 769 Case 1 Avion, Inc. 770 Case 2 The Global Sourcing Wire Harness Decision 773 Case 3 Managing Supplier .
Logistics. Theory and Practice. - TUM ~ Practice. Logistics is the art of managing the supply chain and science of managing and controlling the flow of goods , information and other resources like energy and people between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements. It involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing , material handling, and packaging . 2 .