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    Manners-Bell, J: The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation H: Disruptive Technologies and New Business Models

    Beschreibung Manners-Bell, J: The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation H: Disruptive Technologies and New Business Models. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is now transforming logistics and supply chain industries. Consumer habits are changing fast and supply chains are having to adapt to meet the challenges created by this dynamic new environment. Traditional logistics operating models are under threat. Incumbent freight operators across the entire transport and warehousing spectrum have been forced to develop strategies to effectively compete with new start-ups. The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of all the major new technologies and business models currently under development and looks at this process of disruption in detail.The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Handbook covers many important topics, such as crowd sourcing and shipping, on-demand delivery, autonomous vehicles, automation in the warehouse, electric vehicles and alternative fuels. It provides readers with a straightforward and easy to understand assessment of these innovations and their impact on the industry. Online supporting resources include PowerPoints and sample case studies.

    Buch Manners-Bell, J: The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation H: Disruptive Technologies and New Business Models PDF ePub

    Manners-Bell, J: The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation ~ Manners-Bell, J: The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation H: Disruptive Technologies and New Business Models / Manners-Bell, John / ISBN: 9780749486334 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Journal of Business Logistics - Wiley Online Library ~ Logistics and supply chain issues are more important today than ever before. Logistics has achieved greater prominence within business with increased awareness of its operational, strategic, and financial impact on business success. The Journal of Business Logistics (JBL) provides a forum for the dissemination of original thoughts, research, and best practices within the logistics and supply .

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