Beschreibung Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st century. The book every small-business owner should ownFirst published in 1983, Jay Levinson's Guerrilla Marketing has become a classic in the field of business, revolutionising marketing for small businesses all over the world and creating a new way to understand market share and how to gain it. In this completely updated and expanded fourth edition of Levinson's first Guerrilla Marketing book, his take-no-prisoners approach to finding clients is on full display, as he offers hundreds of marketing ideas that really work and a new roadmap for small-business success in the global marketplace. Filled with leading-edge strategies for marketing on the Internet, putting new technologies to work, targeting prospects, cultivating repeat and referral business, and managing in the age of telecommuting and freelance employees, among others, Guerrilla Marketing will be the entrepreneur's marketing bible for the twenty-first century.
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Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st ~ Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st century (English Edition) eBook: Levinson, Jay Conrad: : Kindle-Shop
Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st ~ Filled with leading-edge strategies for marketing on the Internet, putting new technologies to work, targeting prospects, cultivating repeat and referral business, and managing in the age of telecommuting and freelance employees, among others, GUERRILLA MARKETING will be the entrepreneur's marketing bible for the twenty-first century.
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Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st ~ Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st century: : Levinson, Jay: Libros en idiomas extranjeros
Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st ~ Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st century - Kindle edition by Levinson, Jay Conrad. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st century.
Guerrilla Marketing by Levinson, Jay (ebook) ~ Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st century by Jay Levinson. The book every small-business owner should own First published in 1983, Jay Levinson's Guerrilla Marketing has become a classic in the field of business, revolutionising marketing for small businesses all over the world and creating a new way to understand market share and how to gain it. In this completely .
Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for ~ When Guerrilla Marketing was first published in 1983, Jay Levinson revolutionized marketing strategies for the small-business owner with his take-no-prisoners approach to finding clients. Based on hundreds of solid ideas that really work, Levinson’s philosophy has given birth to a new way of learning about market share and how to gain it. In this completely updated and exp
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Guerrilla Marketing, 4th edition: Easy and Inexpensive ~ The book brings 21st century web-based marketing into the mix and does so in a realistic way. I really wish that Mr. Levinson would write a good marketing guide for software companies. The "Guerrilla" books are good places to start, especially for neighborhood small biz, but they're really light on information for technology-based B2B companies.
Guerrilla Marketing: Fourth Edition (Hörbuch-Download ~ When Guerrilla Marketing was first published in 1983, Jay Levinson revolutionalized marketing strategies for the small-business owner with his take-no-prisoners approach to finding clients. Filled with hundreds of solid ideas that really work, Levinson's philosophy has given birth to a new way of learning about market share and how to gain it.
: Guerrilla Marketing Attack (Audible Audio ~ It is copyrighted 1989 and should not be read before the most recent version of Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st century. Some of the author's ideas have advanced considerably between the two books. As a certified guerrilla marketing coach, I found it interesting to step back in time. As guerrilla marketing has developed, the author has had to balance taking things out .
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