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    Cyberstrategy: Business Strategy for Extranets, Intranets and the Internet (Chartered Institute of Marketing (Paperback))

    Beschreibung Cyberstrategy: Business Strategy for Extranets, Intranets and the Internet (Chartered Institute of Marketing (Paperback)). This book follows Bickerton's successful "Cybermarketing" which advised marketing managers on how to create a site and start using the net to sell products and services. The new book offers advice at the next level up to senior executives/directors about using nets as part of a corporate communications and marketing strategy.This book delivers a no-nonsense and pragmatic view on the use of these technologies within an organization as both a private and public communication channel. It is designed to show senior executives how to use the technology in a range of activities from straight selling through to sophisticated corporate communications. To demonstrate how to integrate nets with broader marketing strategy the key features of this book are:* A powerful model for explaining the strategic uses and strengths of the Internet, Extranets and Intranets. The authors have created a matrix showing the features of each, and the potential linkages between them, to demonstrate how to use them individually or in a "mix".* Clear guidance on how to bridge the gap between IT and Marketing to exploit the technology rather than getting bogged down in it.* Copious exercises and real life examples accompanied by worksheets in each chapter so that real campaigns can be put together from the book.

    Buch Cyberstrategy: Business Strategy for Extranets, Intranets and the Internet (Chartered Institute of Marketing (Paperback)) PDF ePub

    Cyberstrategy: Business Strategy for Extranets, Intranets ~ Cyberstrategy: Business Strategy for Extranets, Intranets and the Internet (Chartered Institute of Marketing (Paperback)) / Pauline Bickerton, Matthew Bickerton, Kate Simpson-Holley / ISBN: 9780750642033 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Download Now: Cyberstrategy: Business strategy for ~ Cyberstrategy: Business strategy for extranets, intranets and the internet (Chartered Institute of Marketing (Paperback)) by Pauline Bickerton, Matthew Bickerton, Kate Simpson-Holley accessibility Books LIbrary as well as its powerful features, including thousands and thousands of title from favorite author, along with the capability to read or download hundreds of boos on your pc or .

    Cyberstrategy: Business strategy for extranets, intranets ~ Cyberstrategy: Business strategy for extranets, intranets and the internet (Chartered Institute of Marketing (Paperback)) [Bickerton, Pauline, Bickerton, Matthew, Simpson-Holley, Kate] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Cyberstrategy: Business strategy for extranets, intranets and the internet (Chartered Institute of Marketing (Paperback))

    PDF; Cyberstrategy: Business Strategy for Extranets ~ Lesen oder Herunterladen Cyberstrategy: Business Strategy for Extranets, Intranets and the Internet (Chartered Institute of Marketing (Paperback)) Buchen mit Pauline Bickerton, Matthew Bickerton, Kate Simpson-Holley. Es ist eines der Bestseller-BĂŒcher in diesem Monat. VerfĂŒgbar in den Formaten PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK und AUDIOBOOK.

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