Beschreibung Beyond Selling Value: A Proven Process to Avoid the Vendor Trap and Become Indispensable to Your Customers. How to sell value, increase margins, make price irrelevant, win executive-level credibility, and create competitive immunity. Selling value is taking on a whole new meaning for sales professionals. Here's a proven process pros can use to address their customer's pressing business issues, position themselves as strategic partners, and recommend solutions that improve the way their customers do business.In Beyond Selling Value, top sales consultants Mark Shonka and Dan Kosch share their proven process for becoming a critical partner in their customers' success. From targeting the most promising prospects, to bypassing the gatekeepers, to reaching the decision makers who are empowered to buy, and to closing the deal with a powerful presentation, the authors impart their battle tested secrets to forging long term business relationships. For sales professionals tired of being beaten up on price, here is a new way to leverage their strengths, elevate their sales game, and establish relationships with those who appreciate their value. Selling Power magazine calls it "a detailed, street smart roadmap".
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Beyond Selling Value: A Proven Process to Avoid the Vendor ~ In Beyond Selling Value, top sales consultants Mark Shonka and Dan Kosch share their proven process for becoming a critical partner in their customers' success. From targeting the most promising prospects, to bypassing the gatekeepers, to reaching the decision makers who are empowered to buy, and to closing the deal with a powerful presentation, the authors impart their battle tested secrets .
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