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    Meet Mr. Product: The Art of the Advertising Character

    Beschreibung Meet Mr. Product: The Art of the Advertising Character. Here in Meet Mr. Product you ll find a vibrantly colorful tribute to such pop-culture icons as the Jolly Green Giant, natty Mr. Peanut, the cute little Morton Salt Girl, and the countless other advertising characters who have been helping us navigate the grocery aisles and choose our products for years. Offering up a bustling gallery of over 500 spokescharacters, this chunky compendium charts the origins and development of the advertising character and gives brief glimpses into some of their most intimate secrets. (Did you know that the Michelin Man has been spotted with glamorous ladies on his arm? Or that Borden s Elsie the Cow was married to Elmer of household glue fame?) Famous faces and a host of recently rediscovered characters fill Meet Mr. Product s pages to bursting.

    Buch Meet Mr. Product: The Art of the Advertising Character PDF ePub

    Meet Mr. Product, Vol. 1: The Graphic Art of the ~ I'd been wanting a book with vintage character advertisement art to use as reference for an art project and this is so full of goodies! It is quite a thick little book and a wonderful addition to my library. Also a great glimpse into the history of some well-known companies and the mascots they created. Before the Quik bunny, there was a little man named Mr. Pick Quik. Hi-C had a giraffe .

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