Beschreibung Smart Sales Manager: The Ultimate Playbook for Building and Running a High-Performance Inside Sales Team: The Ultimate Playbook for Building and Running a High-Performance Sales Team. With the explosion of social media, as well as the increasing dependence on digital communications, the need for businesses to shift their focus from field sales to inside sales is growing exponentially today. Businesses now rely on inside sales to generate up to 50 percent of their revenue! The burgeoning demand for inside sales leaders means that the industry’s top reps are being promoted and transitioned even if they are unprepared for management in the Sales 2.0 that is taking over the field.Josiane Feigon, author and pioneer of the inside sales community, recognizes that the pressure to produce can be crushing, but the guidance provided thus far has been minimal. In Smart Sales Manager, she shows readers how they can lead their inside sales squads to success--from hiring and motivating to training, coaching, and more, including:• Customer 2.0: Selling to the new elusive buyer • Tools 2.0: Choosing the best sales productivity and intelligence tools for their team • Talent 2.0: Hiring, training, and retaining inside sales superheroes • Manager’s cheat sheets: Motivational strategies to salvage deals, engage employees, and boost managerial cloutThe ability to train successfully your sales teams in social selling, digital communications, and disruptive content creation is absolutely vital in today’s sales environment. Complete with real-life examples and smart sales strategies, this indispensable resource will bring managers up to speed fast.
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Smart Sales Manager The Ultimate Playbook For Building And ~ Smart Sales Manager The Ultimate Playbook For Building And Running A High Performance Inside Sales Team Author: ��Yvonne Feierabend Subject: ��Smart Sales Manager The Ultimate Playbook For Building And Running A High Performance Inside Sales Team Keywords: Smart Sales Manager The Ultimate Playbook For Building And Running A High Performance Inside Sales Team,Download Smart .
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