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    On the Art of Writing Copy

    Beschreibung On the Art of Writing Copy. Arguably the best known and most respected advertising copywriter of our time, Herschell Gordon Lewis presents his hard-boiled knowledge of which words sell and which words don't. He combines that knowledge with the unique ability to formulate logical rules enabling anyone to write effective advertising and promotional copy.The rules he presents in On the Art of Writing Copy are so logical, so clear, and so easy to follow you'll wonder why no one has compiled them before. Starting with The Four Great Laws (the key to copywriter survival during this "Age of Skepticism"), the author then presents The Umbrella Rule (the three ingredients that guarantee copy success). He goes on to explain and demonstrate dozens and dozens of specific rules anyone can follow to improve copy professionalism.

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    On the Art of Writing by Arthur Quiller-Couch - Free Ebook ~ On the Art of Writing Lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge 1913-1914 Language: English: LoC Class: PE: Language and Literatures: English: Subject: English language -- Rhetoric Subject: English language -- Style Subject: English language -- Rhetoric -- Study and teaching -- England -- Cambridge Subject: Creative writing (Higher .

    Download eBook ~ On the Art of Writing: Lectures Delivered ~ Download PDF On the Art of Writing: Lectures Delivered in the University of Cambridge 1913-1914 (Paperback) Authored by Arthur Quiller-couch Released at 2016 Filesize: 6.31 MB To open the PDF file, you will want Adobe Reader computer software. If you do not have Adobe Reader already installed on your computer, you can download the installer and instructions free from the Adobe Web site. You .

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    The art of copy: 10 tips for writing great copy ~ Writing great copy takes talent - yes, but it also takes time. This is why so much of what we read today in advertising is just wallpaper. It’s one of the biggest problems that I have seen with .

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