Beschreibung Time, Space & Cost Guide to Better Warehouse Design: A hands-on guide to help you improve the design and operations of your warehouse or distribution center. Save time, improve space utilization and reduce costs with the newly revised and expanded second edition of The Time, Space & Cost Guide to Better Warehouse Design. The Guide provides a wealth of information that will help you benchmark your operations and test new ideas and concepts before you implement them. The section on warehouse time standards discusses the use of time to measure work, estimate labor requirements, evaluate alternative designs, and benchmark and improve operations. By measuring time in the warehouse, you can identify opportunities to save time, reduce labor costs and increase throughput. Includes 35 figures with labor estimates for everything from pallet putaway and document processing to travel time, package handling and more. The section on warehouse space calculations evaluates the impact of various storage and material handling equipment methods on space utilization and provides strategies to help you determine the best possible combination of products, equipment, and operating systems for your facility. Includes 58 figures illustrating the advantages and disadvantages of various storage, receiving and shipping layouts, and detailed specifications for a wide range of material handling equipment. The section on warehouse cost calculations focuses on the conversion of time and space requirements into bottom-line costs. YouÂ'll find a thorough analysis of the different warehouse cost centers, the latest cost figures and techniques for analyzing these costs. Includes 17 figures showing typical building costs, material handling equipment costs, storage equipment costs, dock equipment costs, average hourly wages by region and more. Informative charts and figures The newly revised edition offers more than 100 charts and figures to illustrate concepts, provide detailed data, and offer further insight. Here are some examples of the figures you will find in this book: Figure 2.4: Industry Throughput Standards Figure 2.5: Summary of Time Standard Techniques Figure 2.6: Sample Output of a Time Study on a Manual Batch Pick Operation Figure 2.8: Steps for Establishing Warehouse Time Standards Figure 2.9: Element-by-Element Breakdown of Pallet Putaway Figure 3.29: Sample Excess Inventory Analysis Figure 3.31: Calculating Effects of Honeycombing And Storage Utilization Figure 3.53: Sample Full Case Movement Profile Figure 3.54: Sample Full Case Popularity Profile Figure 3.55: Various Picking Configurations Figure 4.3: Material Handling Equipment Costs Figure 4.4: Conveyor Systems Project Cost Breakdown Figure 4.5: Storage Equipment Costs Figure 4.6: Sample Planning and Design Costs Figure 4.10: Average Hourly Wages of Warehousing Jobs by Geographic Region and by Business A hands-on working manual This second edition of The Time, Space & Cost Guide to Better Warehouse Design has been completely updated and expanded from the original. Throughout the book, the authors have combined a theoretical yet practical approach that is applicable to both conventional and state-of-the-art warehouses.
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