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    First Hundred Million: How to Sky Rocket Your Book Sales with Slam Dunk Titles

    Beschreibung First Hundred Million: How to Sky Rocket Your Book Sales with Slam Dunk Titles. Every publisher dreams of selling 100 million books. E. Haldeman Julius made it happen. Year after year, publishers go under before they even see a fraction of that number. The reason is simple. Few publishers truly know what the American public wants to read. Fewer still know what key words in a title can trigger a buying frenzy. Be different and gain control of your publishing success by applying the results of E. Haldeman Julius's amazing, scientific experiment. He published thousands of books, all with the same cover design, size and price. The only thing that set them apart was the title. He discovered that a change of a single word literally could mean thousands more in sales. Gain an insight into the American public's buying habits without breaking the bank. Apply key words that trigger your buyers' insatiable appetites and be the next publishing success. Don't hesitate, because your competitors sure won't.

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